PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
National Day of Mourning and National Memorial Service for the victims of Flight MH17

The Government has declared Thursday 7 August 2014 to be a National Day of Mourning to honour the victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.

On this day, flags on all Government buildings, here and overseas, will be flown at half-mast.

The Government has arranged for a National Memorial Service to take place at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne, at 10.30am on Thursday 7 August 2014.

The Service will honour those who have lost their lives and seek to support those who have been bereaved.

All Australians mourn the loss of Flight MH17.

There were 298 innocent people on this aircraft and their deaths offend our sense of justice.

We grieve for all, but particularly for the 38 men, women and children who called Australia home.

Our hearts go out to all their families. We will support them through the difficult times ahead.

Twenty three million Australians share the sadness of those who mourn.

We are united in grief and in our determination to ensure that justice is done.

Thursday’s National Memorial Service is interdenominational and members of the public are invited to attend.

Arrangements have also been made for the outside broadcast of the National Memorial Service in anticipation of large crowds wanting to support the families of those lost on Flight MH17.

Those wishing to attend the National Memorial Service should contact a Ceremonial and Protocol Officer on (02) 6271 5991 or (02) 6271 5209 or via email at up until 12 noon on Wednesday 6 August 2014.

31 July 2014