PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Abbott, Tony

Period of Service: 18/09/2013 - 15/09/2015
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Remarks at the Australian of the Year Awards

This is a very fitting location for this ceremony this evening.

In sight are the pillars of our democracy.

There is the War Memorial - the ever present reminder of the sacrifice made for our freedom.

There is the Old Parliament House, which is a reminder of our history.

There is this Parliament House behind us, the home of our democracy.

And here, in this forecourt, are the people whom all our institutions strive to serve.

There is no better place to honour our finest citizens.

This Australia Day weekend we celebrate our history, our land, our people and our unity.

Two traits are characteristic of our country: the instinct to “have a go” and that passion for a “fair go”.

Tonight, we honour those who have “had a go” so that others might have a “fair go”.

We are a country that salutes those whose talents, gifts and hard work have made Australia a better place.

Now, I know from meeting many of our finalists earlier today, that some of you don’t feel entirely at ease with being singled out.

Well, we have singled you out – because you reflect the very best of our country.

You are what the rest of us might be – if only we kept our new year’s resolutions and heeded our best instincts.

You are a living embodiment of our country at its best.

As we look back over a half century of Australian of the Year Awards – we see Nobel laureates, academy award winners, scientists, doctors, writers, sportspeople, artists, soldiers, and carers – a good mix of larrikins and stirrers, saints and sinners.

This year’s finalists, like their predecessors, are as diverse as the country we are – but each has a remarkable story and each is rightly honoured.

So, tonight I congratulate and thank you for reminding us of our potential for good and renewing our pride in Australia.

Thank you.
