PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gorton, John

Period of Service: 10/01/1968 - 10/03/1971
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00002275.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Gorton, John Grey

Presentation by His Excellency, Mr Per Anger,
the Swedish Ambassador, at Parliament House,
Canberra, A. C. T. 21 AUGUST 1970
~ pech~ y hePrime Minister. Mr john Gorton
Your Excellency, Parliamentary Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Tis with pleasure that I accept, on behalf of the
Australian Gove:: -nment, this gift from Sweden, and I would ask
you, Sir, to convey . xur appreciation and thanks to your Government
and people. We are delighted that a nation which had associations
with our beginninigs 200 years ago should be honouring our Bi-Centenary
in this way. Today's ceremony is well timed. It is 200 years
ago tomorrow 22 August 1770 that Captain Cook landed on
Possession Island and made claim to what was later called New
South Wales. The engravings on this crystal plinth remind us
of the botanical and zoological discoveries of that great Swedish
botanist, Daniel Solander, who was with Cook on his historical
voyage of discovery along Australia's Eastern coastline.
Even at that time, of course, Sweden was already
a highly civilised country and had laid the foundations for that
craftsmanship for which it is renowned,
Most Members ind Senators are familiar with the
Orrefors vase which was presented to this Parliament by the
Swedish Chamber of Commerce to commemorate the opening of
Parliament Hou!: 2 in 1927. This plinth makes a splendid companion
piece. / 2
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And it is a mark of our developing interest, Sir,
that in a week or two an Australian Trade Fair will open in
Stockholm, you: x capital city. I hope this Fair will help to
stimulate Sweden's interest in Australia, just as this ceremony
today will help : o stimulate our interest in Sweden.
We are glad that you are sharing our history
with us in this way and with such an elegant gift. We thank you,
Sir, and we tharnk your Government.