PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 27/06/2013 - 07/09/2013
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Australia to increase people-to-people links with Indonesia

Prime Minister, Minister for Higher Education
Bogor, Indonesia

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced today that the Australian Government will increase people to people links with Indonesia by funding study experiences for Australian students, new specialised research on the bilateral relationship, and a festival showcasing Australia to our largest neighbour.

The Australian Government will provide $47 million over four years for the AsiaBound with $10.6 million for the program’s first year of operation.

The first group of AsiaBound student grants will allow 3700 Australian students to study in Asia, including more than 400 in Indonesia.

Supporting this study is an important investment in Australia’s future. A study experience in Asia is an invaluable way for Australians to broaden and deepen their understanding of the region’s cultures and languages. AsiaBound will enhance essential people-to-people links in the region and build workforce capabilities.

The Australian Government is also providing $10 million to the Lowy Institute for specialised research, dialogues and partnerships to strengthen the institute’s focus on Asia and increase its presence in the region.

The institute’s Engaging Asia Project will have an early focus on Indonesia, which is one of Australia’s most important neighbours, and will raise Indonesia’s public profile in Australia.

The Australian Government will be seeking the institute’s expert input through new research on the Australia-Indonesia relationship, the Indonesian economy and Indonesia as an emerging foreign policy participant in the region.

OzFest Indonesia, a 3-month long festival of Australian culture, art, science and technology and sport will take place in major centres across Indonesia from January to April 2014. The festival will showcase a dynamic and contemporary Australia to Indonesia, and further build people-to-people links between our two countries.