Subject: ANZAC Day in Gallipoli
E & EO……………………………………………………………………………………
Prime Minister Howard, have you felt that whilst being there?
Mike, absolutely. The most moving thing to me of this morning and yesterday wandering around Gallipoli, was the enormous number of young Australians and their obvious emotional involvement in this wonderful commemoration and the way in which ANZAC Cove is now acting as a magnet for young Australians coming, not only directly from Australia but those holidaying in Europe. It is an extraordinary experience and I think there is a resurgence of national feeling, a passion for the ANZAC legend and tradition amongst young Australians. Quite remarkable, very moving and absolutely heart warming for older generations of Australians.
You will be pleased to know that there were record crowds all over Australia this morning. It is your first trip to Gallipoli, what moved you most?
I guess the thing that moved me most of all was to stand and contemplate as Laura said just how many men died here to, in those very simple words, keep us free and give us the way of life and the sort of things that we too often take for granted in Australia. The scale of the sacrifice is just quite extraordinary and it does have an incredible impact on one. I have read about it, I thought I knew a lot about it, I’ve talked to a lot of people about it, but nothing quite prepares you for the emotional grip that it exerts on you and I can understand why so many young Australians come and go away with a greater sense of their Australian identity.
Prime Minister Howard, thanks very much for your patience and Laura Brumby we appreciate your time too.
Thanks Mike.