PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
2006 Christmas Message

As we come again to celebrate Christmas, there is so much about Australia to be grateful for. We are a very blessed country; prosperous, stable, peaceful, something of a beacon to people around the world. We now have the lowest unemployment in 30 years and that means more Australian parents can give their children the Christmas they want.

But in remarking on our prosperity and our good fortune, we must keep uppermost in our minds those Australians who are doing it tough. The farmers heavily afflicted by drought, those wonderful firefighters who are grappling with the menace of bushfires which are likely to go on through the summer and those less fortunate in our community, who through no fault of their own, have fallen between the cracks and we must, all of us, do what we can to help them.

It's also a time to remember some of the tragic trouble spots of the world; areas like Darfur in Africa and the troubled Middle East.

And let us spare a particular thought for the 3600 men and women of the Australian Defence Force that will spend Christmas away from their loved ones and we have them very much in our thoughts and prayers.

To millions of Australians the true significance of Christmas is the hope that Christ's birth brought to the world. To all of us it is a time of renewal with friendships and people we haven't seen for far too long and most particularly it is a time to spend with our families and other loved ones who mean so much to all of us.

Janette joins me in wishing all of our fellow Australians a very happy Christmas. Please enjoy it, please drive carefully and please let's all be together to celebrate the New Year.