PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Doorstop Interview St George Illawarra Leagues Club, Kogarah


Could I just start by saying that Australians should today remember the four Australians who died in the 2005 terrorist attack in Bali a year ago and also many Indonesians who died in that same attack, it's another reminder of the war against terrorism which we will have to wage for a long time into the future and our thoughts on this day are very much with those who lost people, particularly to the community of Newcastle who will remember that day with special sadness. Can I also on another issue say how much I condemn the apparently criminal act of bullets being fired at a mosque in Perth, this does appear to be a criminal act, and those responsible should be found and brought to justice, attacks on religious buildings be they churches, synagogues, mosques or any other religious building are completely unacceptable and whenever they occur those responsible should be hunted down and brought to justice and I will say that to all people in the Australian community that the right of people to worship in peace without disturbance according to their religious beliefs is something that we hold very dear in this country and any attempt to interrupt it are criminal and should be appropriately dealt with. Anything else?


Prime Minister the ALP has called on Warren Truss to resign unless he repudiates comments he made in relation to the AWB paying kickbacks in the Middle East, he said he found that wasn't odd and it was the same as paying real estate agents commission. Do you think he should repudiate those comments?


No I think Mr Warren Truss will continue in his job, the Labor Party is just flailing around for something to say. I think what we should do about AWB is let Mr Cole bring down his report, that will be the time for people to speak.


Do you think that the Cole Commission has enough resources and money to do the job?




Prime Minister what's your thoughts on plans by Qantas to slash 300 IT jobs and send them offshore to India?


Well I don't think I can be in a position to give a running commentary on every single employment decision that's made by a company, I just remind you that Australia has the lowest unemployment for 30 years.


I mean one of their claims is that there is not enough experience in Australia to equip them with...


Well look as I say, I cannot be giving a running commentary on every single employment decision made by every company, I am responsible for the health of the economy and the economy is very healthy so much so that unemployment is lower than it's been for thirty years. Could I also whilst we are here say that today is a very important day for Australian women, the wonderful drug Herceptin, from today is on the pharmaceutical benefits list. It's a reminder of just how valuable that pharmaceutical scheme is and this is a very important step forward in fighting breast cancer and is therefore of tremendous importance to women in our country. Thank you.
