PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Address at the Whitten Oval Redevelopment Whitten Oval, Melbourne

Well thank you very, very much David Smorgon. To Campbell Rose, to my colleague Rod Kemp, the Federal Minister for Sport, Nicola Roxon, the Federal Member for Gellibrand, the Mayor of the City of Maribyrnong, my fellow Australians. This is a wonderful afternoon for the West of Melbourne, it's a wonderful afternoon for the Western Bulldogs, and it is a reminder of how much can be achieved by different groups in the Australian community getting together and setting their mind on achieving a goal and an objective. And when, just on two years ago the Government decided to contribute $8 million to the redevelopment of the Whitten Oval, we did so in the belief, we did so in the belief ladies and gentlemen that it would not only bring new life and new facilities to a great football club, but it would also be a hub of community activity and community facilities.

And those responsible for the project have been true to their word and to their commitment and when this redevelopment is finally completed, it will not only of course be a magnificent new home for the Western Bulldogs, it will not only gather in their thousands the young people of the West of Melbourne to learn Australian Rules Football, but it will also provide facilities for other sports and for other physical activities. And also, such as a childcare centre, provide a general amenity for the district.

It's an area made up of people from many countries but bound together by a love of sport, by a love of Australia and by a belief that sporting clubs can act as a great community cement. They can achieve things, and as your President has already said, the Bulldogs have had a great season. Scott West came second in the Brownlow Medal, and congratulations to Scott. And the spirit of the Club has shone out through the season and I know that the spirit that is evident here today will act as an enormous boost to the Club's fortunes and to the Club's activities in the future.

Let me simply say that this has been a team effort. Of course the Federal Government has kicked in some $8 million, but the State Government has played its part and made a contribution. The local council has also cooperated magnificently. And very importantly, the Forever Foundation which has brought together the efforts and the contributions of individual donors and supporters of the club has raised more than $5 million already, which really is a truly magnificent effort. Now I said a few moments ago that it's never too late for people who haven't contributed to that Foundation to do so, but so far the efforts and the contributions have been magnificent.

So I am delighted to be here today. I congratulate the Bulldogs, I congratulate the successful tenderer. I understand it's a local company that employs some hundreds of people in Melbourne's West. And isn't that appropriate and isn't that fitting that the activity that will be involved in the construction of the childcare hub will involve workers and investment in this part of Melbourne.

But to all of you, my friends, good luck to the Western Bulldogs. It's a club with a great tradition. This is a great Oval. It might be a little tired and old at the present time, but its spirit is very constant and very strong and when the redevelopment is finally completed there will be thousands of people in this part of Australia who will be extremely proud of this facility and very happy to enjoy it and to use it, and to celebrate that great community spirit that binds us together as Australians.

Thank you.
