PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Announcement Of New Health Ambassador Parliament House, Canberra


Well Harry, Minister, ladies and gentlemen, this is a brief doorstop to thank Harry Kewell, who is well known to all of you and all sports lovers in Australia, for becoming the third of what we hope to be a large number of prominent Australians, he joins Kieran Perkins and Cathy Freeman who indicated their availability as ambassadors in this campaign we have against the challenge of obesity. Obesity is a huge problem in western societies and other societies as well, it's a big problem in Australia. Let's not muck about, it's due to the fact that people don't exercise enough and it's also due to bad and lazy diets. Our lifestyles have changed, kids don't walk to school enough, they drive around too much, they watch too much television, they play too many video games instead of being out playing sport and any kind of physical activity, and therefore I think the idea of recruiting prominent Australians, not least our famous sports men and women, and none in the recent context of the Socceroos of our tremendous performance in the World Cup and the great resurgence of the world game in Australia, none is better known and more respected and liked by a large section of the Australian population than Harry Kewell. And we are delighted that he is with us and we congratulate him and the contribution of his team mates to what was some inspiring performances which really warmed the hearts not only of traditional followers of soccer, but also others whose grasp of the game was a lot more fulfilled as a result of watching that. But he is here today and we thank him, and I will get Tony Abbott, who is no slouch when it comes to physical exercise, you know anybody who gets a boxing Blue at Oxford is not too bad when it can't be too obese, and I think he's in good shape. And can I simply say that it's great to have you Harry and thank you for helping, it's very good of you and I'll say, I'll get my mate Abbott to say something, and then we'll invite Harry to say something, but thank you very much for joining the campaign.


Thanks very much Prime Minister and thanks very much Harry. Let me just say to everyone that it was quite remarkable to walk through this Parliament with Harry Kewell as your companion because people stared, people stopped, people smiled, all the sorts of things that don't normally happen in this place. Harry, you've transformed a lot of people's days by being here for this occasion. Look, I think all of us have dreams, and for many people a sporting hero is the embodiment of those dreams and I guess the message today is that all of us can realise some of those dreams and Harry's message which he'll deliver himself in a moment is that all of us can be active, all of us can be healthy, we can't all play for Australia, but we can all do something to stay active and healthy. And we are very lucky to have a public spirited Australian like Harry Kewell here to support our Healthy Active Ambassadors programme. I am delighted that he is joining Cathy Freeman and Kieran Perkins, I am confident there will be many more, but Harry what's your message to the kids of Australia.


I think my message is plain and simple. Obviously when I first heard about this project, usually when I do get told about things like this, I um and ah a lot, because obviously there are things that I have to do, but obviously when I was told about this, I jumped at the chance. And I'd like to thank you and the Prime Minister, obviously, for actually involving me in this, because I want to put something back into Australia and obviously it starts with the kids. And when they are young they need to be out there playing sports. I know when I was young, I was out there every day playing sports and it was phenomenal and hopefully I can just show them that if you do go outside and play sports and live a healthy life, you can have a great life, and that's why I am here, and that's what I am supporting.


Thanks mate.


Good on you mate, well done.


Well done.


Harry, congratulations first of all on the appointment of Healthy Active Ambassador. You know yourself it hasn't been your most active year on the field, can you give us an update on your own fitness and your injuries?


I am over here at the moment obviously sorting out my injuries, so I don't know anything at the moment until probably Friday.


It is quite interesting that Harry chose to get the injuries sorted out in Australia (inaudible) and our sports medicine capacity that Harry could come back to Australia for this.


Harry do you ever eat junk food?


I think everyone does, you know what I mean, I am no exception but I only probably have it once a blue moon, once a blue moon. I can't afford to have it really.
