PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Official Opening of the New Terminal Adelaide Airport, Adelaide

Well thank you very much Mr Baker. Your Excellency, the Governor of South Australia, Mr Mike Rann, the Premier. The Federal Minister for Transport and Regional Services Warren Truss, my other Federal Ministerial Colleagues. Rob Kerin, the Leader of the South Australian Opposition, the Lord Mayor, ladies and gentlemen. This by any definition is a wonderful day for Adelaide and a wonderful day for South Australia. This magnificent new terminal, spacious, airy, giving the impression of openness and light which is so typical of the welcome that people receive when they come to any part of Australia is a magnificent new gateway for people who first arrive in this country from anywhere else in the world and for people who leave here to go overseas.

I know its taken a long time and as I listened to the Chairman talk about the setbacks that were received, particularly in that month in September which I, and I don't think millions of Australians will ever forget, particularly the two events coming together of the tragic attacks in the United States followed by the collapse of Ansett a few days later. And they have represented enormous challenges to all people involved in airport construction, all people involved in the aviation industry. It's not an easy time for the aviation industry around the world. I'm very conscious as I'm sure they are of the impact of international oil prices on the price of fuel and of the many other challenges that they face. And that makes all the more meritorious this achievement by the Adelaide Airport Corporation; a $270m investment, a facility that can handle what, 27 different types of aircraft including the new A380. It will be for decades into the future a magnificent, modern facility welcoming people to Australia and welcoming them most particularly to South Australia.

The distinctive contribution of South Australian industry including its famous wine industry, the great strength of the service sector here in Adelaide and in South Australia and the ongoing contribution of the motor manufacturing industry to the economy of this state and of course all three to the economy of Australia is something that will underpin for years into the future, the prosperity of this state and the prosperity of this city.

It is important that every major population and commercial centre of Australia have up to date, state of the art international airport facilities. It has never been satisfactory that any part of Australia and any State of Australia feels that in some way it doesn't have the same opportunities and the same facilities in relation to people arriving and people departing. And that's why this project was so important. I know that's why it has received over the years the strong support of Governments of both political persuasions here in South Australia and why it's received the very strong support of the Federal Government.

Can I take this opportunity of congratulating the Corporation on the way in which the project was completed on time and in budget and in extending those congratulations I also extend my congratulations to the workforce of the various contractors and all of those associated with the construction. It does require a team effort. There was no industrial disputation. That's a credit to both the Corporation and the contractors and also, very particularly to the workforce. It's increasingly and overwhelmingly now the Australian way to complete these things on time and on budget. And it produces an outcome that brings enormous benefits to everybody.

Can I say on behalf of the Federal Government and I know on behalf of the industry all around Australia, congratulations to the Corporations, congratulations to Adelaide and to the people of South Australia. It is a very important event. It's a wonderful facility and I think it will add enormous value to the economy of South Australia. It will add enormous value to the cultural and other life of South Australia. It will strengthen its links with the rest of the world and that is at it should be. And I am delighted to be part of this very important ceremony for the Adelaide and South Australian community.

Thank you.
