PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gorton, John

Period of Service: 10/01/1968 - 10/03/1971
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00002178.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Gorton, John Grey

FOR PRESS_ P. M. No. 24/ 1970
The Prime Minister said he was delighted with the outcome of
the conference with the Premier of Queensland.
Agreement had been reached that there should be an enquiry into
the possible damage which might be caused to the Barrier Reef through drilling
for oil. The enquiry was to be an open enquiry with s ufficient authority to
collect any evidence required. All interested parties could appear before the
Committee and state their views, and adduce evidence to support those views.
The Committee of enquiry was to be not less than three nor more
than five. It was to consist of a judge as Chairman and representatives of
marine biologists and petroleum engineers. The committee wras to be jointly
agreed by the Commonwealth and the State Governments and was to report to
both Governments. The terms of reference of the Committee were
1. Taking into account existing world technology in relation to
drilling, and safety precautions relating thereto, what
dangers are there of an oil or gas leak in exploratory
and production drilling in the area of the Great Barrier
2. The probability of benefits accruing to the State of Queensland
and other parts of the Commonwealth from exploration or
drilling for petroleum in the vicinity of the Reef and the
extent of the benefits thereby rendered probable.
3. What are the existing safety precautions already prescribed
or otherwise laid down, and, if exploration or drilling
for petroleum on or near the Reef is permitted, what.
conditions should be imposed before such drilling coul d
take place.
4. What would be the likely effect of an oil or gas leak and
subsequent remedial measures on
the coral reefs themselves
the coastline
the ecological and biological aspects of
life of the area
Whether there are areas, and if so where, where an oil leak,
if it occurred, would cause no damage to the Reefs or
ecological and biological aspects of the Reefs. / 2

6. The area of the Great Barrier Reef referred to in the above terms
of reference includes the entire area from low water mark on the
mainland of Queensland to the outer line of the Reefs and includes
also the area outside and adjacent to the outer line of Reefs.
The question of the possibility of drilling during the holding
of the enquiry was considered.
As regards drilling in Repulse Bay, the Queensland Government
stated that it did not feel it could repudiate its contractual obligations should
Ampol/ Japex insist on drilling. But both Governments expressed the hope
that Ampol/ Japex would inform the Queensland Government that they did not
propose to drill pending the outcome of the enquiry.
In regard to other areas of the Barrier ReefD both Governments
expressed the hope and the desire that drilling should not take place
pending the outcome of the enquiry and the Commovvealth stated that if the
wish of the Governments concerned should be ignored, the
conditions attached to drilling should be so stringent that no damage
could occur. It was further agreed if, as a result of any action taken because
of the report of the Committee, the question of compensation should arise,
both Governments would at once confer on this matter.
On the question of the depredations of the Crown of Thorns
Starfish both Governments agreed that a joint Committee should be
set up financed by a dollar for dollar grant from the State and Commcnw ealth
Governments. It was noted that much investigation into this problem had
already taken place but that no definitive proposals for action had so
far been able to be recommended by the bodies concerned in
investigation. CA NBERRA
29 January 1970