PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Tumbi Creek Announcement Tumbi Umbi, NSW

Well thank you very much Ken, Mr Mayor, ladies and gentlemen. I've come here to announce that the Federal Government will contribute an additional sum of $748,000 to assist with the dredging of Tumbi Creek. To come here and actually see the enormous (inaudible) and everything gives you an idea of just how needed and how desirable this dredging is.

I mean people talk a lot about the environment. My experience going around Australia is that the environment to most people is fixing local environmental problems, and fixing this is far more important to the people of this district than some distant idea that doesn't so much affect their daily lives. And if we can get the creek properly dredged and the material environmentally disposed of in an environmentally sensible manner, which it will be, then boating, fishing, swimming and very importantly flood mitigation, because that is a very, very important issue. Now this will bring to about $1.5 million the amount that the Federal Government has contributed, and I do of course congratulate and commend the Wyong Shire Council through the Mayor for the support and contribution that it has made. I'm disappointed that the State Government has not put anything into it, and we'll continue to pursue the State Government to accept some responsibility.

But do I... I make it very clear that Ken Ticehurst as you local Member has lobbied very hard for this. He has been a constant advocate. Ken is somebody who does fix onto local issues and local problems and try and advocate practical outcomes. And this is a beautiful spot, the jewel in the crown, as the two fellows beside me say, and I won't argue with them or I might end up in the drink if I were to do that. But I think this is a very important investment in the immediate environmental future of Tumbi Creek and this part of the world and it will make it even more enjoyable as an amenity, and I'm delighted to announce that on behalf of the Federal Government. I think it's money well spent and I look forward to coming back here and seeing it after it's all done and going for a trip on it and savouring the delights of the dredged Tumbi Creek. Thank you.
