PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Address at Jason McCartney Book Launch Westmead Hospital, Sydney

Doctor, thank you very much for that introduction, Dr Kim Oates, Jason and Nerissa McCartney, ladies and gentlemen. At various times in our lives we encounter people who in different circumstances, some well known, most not well known, who display remarkable courage, remarkable determination and survive not only in the body but also in spirit against extraordinary adversities and today we are present at the launch of a book written by a man, Jason McCartney, who has done exactly that.

We are a country that greatly honours and reveres our sporting heroes. We're also, I'm pleased to say, a country that is increasingly recognising the heroes we have in other fields, particularly in the fields of medical research, medical achievement and medical science. And can I commence my remarks in that vein by paying particular tribute to the work of Dr Kim Oates out here at Westmead Children's Hospitals and all of his ilk around Australia who commit their lives to the relief of suffering and also through him to pay tribute to the way in which medical people and medical researchers in this country have continued to punch above the collective weight of Australia. It's one of the great Australian success stories, it's better known now and better recognised than it used to be but if you think we perform well given our population size on the international sporting field, it's also fair to say that we also perform well above our weight in the international medical arena in so many specialities and so many areas and today is very much an opportunity for me as Prime Minister to pay particular personal tribute to Dr Oates but also to all of those who, like him, are dedicated to the relief of the suffering, especially of children in our community.

Today in launching this book I am really privileged to pay tribute to Jason's incredible leadership and strength. He faced death, he stared it down, he saw people die in the most horrible circumstances, he paid tribute to some of his great mates, he fought back, he returned to play a game for his beloved Kangaroos football team, and stirred the imagination and the spirit of all Australians in doing so. I remember I had the privilege of speaking to him on the day of the return to his beloved game and I know many other people did and he was the source of enormous inspiration.

Australians will never forget what happened to those 88 Australians and three residents who called Australia home on the 12th of October and we'll be reminded forever, not only by the magnitude of that lose but we'll also be reminded of the wonderful stories of which Jason is an outstanding example of people who had to endure terrible pain, the shock and the trauma of the dreadful circumstances in which people died. Jason fought back against that, he coped with his injuries in, if I can use an old fashioned word that can only describe, in a most manful of ways, and then he returned to Bali, he witnessed part of the trial, he returned again for the commemorative services, he's written this book, he went around Australia telling his own personal story of individual commitment and courage. And in that way he's reminded us of the very best qualities of what it is to be an Australian.

We are a tough people, but we've also demonstrated, particularly over the last 12 months, that we are warm, sensitive and caring people. And it's not a bad combination to be tough and soft at the same time. Tough when you need to be tough, soft when common humanity requires you be so. And Jason has demonstrated those qualities in a very, very impressive way and I'm delighted that his wife Nerissa, who - they didn't marry so long ago, and I'm just delighted that both of them are here today, to think that he has dedicated so much of his time since that terrible event, to sharing the strength that any nation can derive from such an adversity and that is precisely what he's done because isn't it true that out of tragedy some sense of inspiration and it's important as a country that we look to the positive side of our character that came out of the Bali attack and Jason has been a metaphor for the positive side of our character that has come out it.

And can I also, and I know I will be echoing very much what he feels himself, pay tribute to all of those doctors and nurses and other medical professionals who have worked in the burns units of hospitals all around Australia because the incredible work that they did and the incredible work they continue to do, not only here at Westmead but in Perth, in Darwin and all around Australia and the remarkable way in which this country's emergency services came together that day, got people out of Bali, got them to Darwin, then distributed them to the hospitals that could give them the best care immediately, that's a tremendous tribute and we as Australians can do that, if I may say, better than any other country because when there's a problem we drop any differences we might have and we can work together across the divide of other things in a way that no other country can and it was an inspiration for me as Prime Minister to see the way in which people did respond and of course very much an inspiration to me and other Australians, Jason, for the way in which you have personified the Australian character in the weeks and months that followed this tragedy.

So I am really honoured to have been asked to launch this book. I congratulate Coles Myer on its great generosity, I thank Dr Oates again and Westmead hospital for providing the launch venue. I wish the book well, I express again my admiration to you and Nerissa for the great example that you have sent to all Australians. The nation that loves its sporting achievements should admire not only the sporting prowess of the great sports man or woman, but also their character in adversity and the total sportsman, the complete sportsman is the one that is not only a champion on the field but is also a champion in his or her own way and you've proved yourself in both and for that you have our admiration.

Thank you.
