PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston
Address at the NSW Liberal Party State Campaign Launch Sutherland, Sydney

Chris McDiven, George and Vassy Souris, my Federal and State parliamentary colleagues, fellow Liberals, ladies and gentlemen. I am here today to declare my very enthusiastic support for the campaign of the Liberal Party and the National Party in New South Wales to wrest government from the Carr Government next Saturday on the 22nd of March. I do believe that New South Wales deserves a fresh start, a fresh approach. I do believe that the present New South Wales Government has become arrogant and complacent despite the protestations to the opposite. It does take the New South Wales electorate for granted. It does assume that it will cruise back into office, falsely pretending that the economic prosperity of New South Wales is due to their economic management when it's overwhelmingly due to the economic policies and the economic management of the Federal Coalition over the last seven years.

But there's a more powerful reason why I'm asking the people of New South Wales to vote for John Brogden and George Souris next Saturday. I believe that they have courageously set out an alternative policy platform. They are the ones that have campaigned on the issues; they are the two people who've identified the importance of education, of standards, of class sizes, of strengthening public education whilst maintaining the great tradition of always supporting the right of Australian parents to choose the education that they think is best suited for their children.

John has brought tremendous energy and commitment and enthusiasm to this campaign. He's campaigned in a very dogged, determined, and impressive way. There are many things that I could say about the quality of his campaigning over the past few months, but one thing that stands out to me above all other things is that he's shown in this campaign that he's got a precious political commodity - he's got ticker. He's got the ticker and the courage to take the difficult as well as the easy decisions of government. A good government has got to do both. Sometimes they do things that have instantaneous appeal, sometimes they have to do things that don't have instantaneous appeal. And John has demonstrated in the policies that he's put forward that he is ready for the job, he is a person who will bring a fresh approach, he is a person who will bring great commitment and great integrity. And can I say that the Liberal and National parties have assembled a great array of candidates. The level of Coalition unity is unsurpassed in recent decades between the Liberal and National parties here in New South Wales. The cornerstone of our Federal success over the last seven years has been the rock solid unity not only within our own two parties but between our two parties. And here in New South Wales the Liberal and National parties have learnt the importance of that and they have come together in an unprecedented way and they are presenting a united front, a solid consolidated front to the people of New South Wales.

There is a week today and in state elections in particular a lot can happen during the remaining week. I exhort all of you to get out there and continue campaigning as you have over recent weeks. You will have the total support of your Federal parliamentary colleagues. We are committed, all of us from all over Australia, to installing the first Coalition premier around the table at Premiers' conferences. It's a bit lonely at the moment, and I'd welcome the company, I'd welcome it very much.

Ladies and gentlemen, if a boy from Earlwood can become the Prime Minister of Australia, then why can't a boy from Balmain become the Liberal Premier of New South Wales? I think you like the idea, so do I, and if we work hard so will the majority of the people of New South Wales next Saturday. Will you welcome to the stage John and Lucy Brogden.
