PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gorton, John

Period of Service: 10/01/1968 - 10/03/1971
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
00002021.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Gorton, John Grey

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Speech by the Prime Minister, Mr. John Gorton
Mr. Mayor, Sir Robert Menzies and Ladies and Gentlemen:
May I start by saying how glad I am to have the
opportunity to be here today in my own electorate in which I am
able to appear in all too infrequently, for reasons which I hope you
will understand and forgive.
Now this piece of paper in my hand was a speech
which was written to give to you, but it appears to be not much use
to me now because the Mayor has said practically everything that
was written in it except for that bit about bikinis: Consequently,
it has been necessary for me to make a few rough notes while
listening to the Mayor. So what I have to say to you will not be as
polished as it otherwise might be, but nevertheless it will be
sincerely meant and felt.
I should tell you, however, that very frequently on
0 these occasions I am so happy to reach the end of a speech perhaps
not as happy as those who listen to it: that I sometimes forget
whatever it is that I am supposed to be opening. I hope that won't
0 happen on this occasion, but if it should the thing is open nevertheless.
I am told when this happens, a gun is going to go off immediately
and people are going to dive off the towers but I am assured there
will be blank shells in the gun.
Now, Sir, we have here a fine example of local
government action. You mentioned, Sir, and brought back to my
mind, that too many people thought of local government as being
merely occupied with building roads or collecting rubbish, and it
did remind me of a true story.
Many years ago, the little daughter of some friends
of mine came back from a walk and said: " Yesterday when we
passed the corner there was a dead dog on it, but today when we
passed it had gone because Pranci Proconsul had taken it away.
Now, the child's parents were a little bemused at this because the
introduction of this matter with rather obscure religious overtones
was not at once clear to them. But it became clear the next day when
a little more investigation disclosed that Pranci Proconsul was in
fact the Prahran City Council. But we know, Sir, that they do far
more than that and this is visual evidence of it, because there is
history repeating itself. / 2

I was surprised at the number of hands that went up
for people who had been here when the first opening took place, an
opening of a pool which was then a trendsetter 42 years ago and which
is now being followed by a complex of pools which I am told are the
finest in the Southern Hemisphere and if anybody wants to deny that
I am quite prepared to have an argument about it. They really are
a magnificent complex and they retain the trees and general park-like
approach, which is so necessary for functions of this kind.
How proud the late Prime Minister, who represented
the city of Malvern in the electorate of Higgins in the Federal
Parliament with such distinction for so long, how proud he would be
to have his name associated with this facility provided for the people
of Malvern and how he would hope, as I hope, that whereas 42 years
ago there were few, comparatively few, who could swim, today there
is a generation, more and more of whom are able to swim. Partly,
I think in this instance, this has been due to the work of the lifesaving
association formed here and in other centres throughout Australia.
The nation should take this business of swimming very
seriously. We are blessed in every State with some of the best ocean
beaches in the world, and we have such swimming facilities as these
at rivers and lakes throughout our country. Yet far too often there are
reports of boating accidents in which somebody has been drowned
because they could not swim. This should not happen in a country
like Australia. Sir, I think in providing facilities such as this and
by the work citizens are putting into teaching children to swim in
facilities such as this, we are on the way to seeing that all can swim.
Harold Holt, that fine swimmer himself, a man who
kept fit and encouraged others to keep fit would be pleased to have
not only his name associated with this complex, but be delighted at
the possibilities which this complex opens up for fitness and for
teaching children to swim.
Sir, I think I have said all I would wish to say. I now
declare this swimming complex to be open.