PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Speech at Opening Ceremony of Avenue of Honour


Today we meet to open a remarkable national memorial.

To honour the memory of 39 young Australians who died for us in a dangerous place far from home - in the deserts, green valleys and mountains of Afghanistan.

They are not the first Australians to die for us in uniform overseas.

Gallipoli's rocks and Fromelles' mud - Tobruk's sands, the beach of Bangka Island - Kapyong's hills and the rubber of Long Tan - and so many places near and far all witnessed the last moments of brave young people who we still treasure and who we will always call our own.

Just as the brave soldiers we honour today rightly called the Anzac tradition and legacy their own - a legacy of service they took to heart and a tradition of sacrifice they followed in Afghanistan.

This beautiful new memorial captures the spirit of the Avenues of Honour that enrich the history and beauty of more than 500 Australian towns.

Each one a striking reminder of Australia's promise never to forget.

We all know country towns where the trees and white statues that mark the fallen outnumber the buildings that house those who remain.

Communities which said goodbye to too many citizen-soldiers a century ago and welcomed home too few.

The husbands, the fathers, the sons, the friends, the Australians whose sacrifice we honour today - they were professional soldiers.

They knew the life of arms and they knew their craft and above all they knew what they put at risk when they went away for us.

And yet knowing all that, they did go away.

I know you all marvel at their courage.

I want you all to know I am amazed by your courage - those who saw them not come back and those of you who go away again.

By the strength and grace of the families and friends who continue through life so bravely, carrying so much sorrow as well as their brothers and sisters in arms who carry mental and physical scars from service in our name

You amaze me.

Susan, Gordon, the fruit of your grief could so easily have been bitterness in your lives.

Instead you have created this national memorial to all the sons lost in Afghanistan.

From their courage, and from yours, Australia draws inspiration.

We will see our mission in Afghanistan through. That is for tomorrow.

For today, we dedicate this place to the memory of those we have lost.

This is a special place that belongs to you, the people these young Australians loved, the people who loved them in return.

This is a special place for the nation to honour all the men and women who have served in Afghanistan.

I want you to know it is also a place which is very special to me.

I attended the funerals of 24 of the Australians whose names will be read today.

I met many of you on those dreadful days.

I will never forget this memorial here, I will never forget you here today and and most importantly we will remember them.

Lest we forget.