PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Gillard, Julia
Transcript of Remarks at Australian Council of Local Governments Awards Dinner


E & OE


We're here tonight for the nation's largest gathering of mayors and shire presidents, and I've come to say welcome, welcome to Canberra on this cold June night.

I hope you'll be warmed by the conversation and the company.

As well as welcome, I have come tonight to say a big thank you to you for all the work you do.

When we look at local government today, we look at so many aspects that touch the lives of Australians.

Whether it's enabling people to swim some laps in the council pool to wind down at the end of the day; whether it's people hearing the sound of a garbage truck at dawn, or borrowing the latest Miles Franklin winner from the local library and then reading it on a bench in the city park, or taking the kids to the local sports ground, or relying on the local community services, or partying at a local festival - the lives of Australians are improved every day by the work of modern local government.

Delivered in local government areas ranging in size from a few densely packed square kilometres in our capital cities up to the great tracts of land larger than many European nations.

In Gippsland and Carpentaria, on the Shoalhaven and in the Clarence Valley; in the outer suburbs and the inner cities, serving people, creating communities, building our nation; that is local government today.

And it deserves to be recognised in our Constitution.

While you're here in Canberra, I know your conversations will range widely, but at the heart of the matter this week is the campaign for the constitutional recognition of local government.

This campaign won't be won by federal politicians nodding sagely amongst ourselves and agreeing that the time is right.

It will be won where you live, in your towns and cities.

Where the reality of the financial relationships between the Government I lead and the Governments you lead is experienced.

Where you know, from your daily work, that conversations on a street corner can turn into conversations that engage and enthuse a whole community.

We won't succeed without millions of Australians whose lives are touched daily by local government, in ways large and small, voting Yes.

That means we won't succeed without the efforts of all of you.

I have got no doubt at all that this referendum, the third time this issue will have been voted on in forty years; this is the last chance for recognition of local government.

With a Government prepared to propose change, with serious and effective bipartisan support, and with a successful grassroots campaign, then this referendum can succeed.

If any of those things aren't in place then this referendum will fail.

I can guarantee every effort from the Government; only the Opposition can deliver bipartisanship; and only you can deliver the community campaign.

I know you are putting together money to fight for a Yes vote.

Tonight, I pledge that the Government will also assist with additional resources for your campaign.

Apart from coming here tonight to personally convey my admiration for what you do, I've come with a request for your help, above and beyond your help in campaigning Yes for the referendum.

It's a simple request but an important one.

With so many Australian jobs relying on manufacturing and with car making at manufacturing's heart, I've come tonight to ask you to support your fellow Australians by buying local when you renew your vehicle fleets.

Help a mate with a job; that's all I ask and I'm sure it's something you can do.

Tonight is a very special occasion.

It's part of what you've been doing for a few days and I know many of you will be here for a few days to come.

We'll see you walking the corridors, we'll see you knocking on Members of Parliament's doors; we'll see you in ministerial offices, no doubt I'll see some of you too.

This is a fantastic way to directly engage.

I know Members of Parliament are looking forward to it; the Government is looking forward to it.

But before all of that hard work continues, please enjoy the night, and we'll enjoy your presence in Canberra over the next few days.

Thank you very much.