PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
Federal Budget Delivers For The Central Coast


Prime Minister Julia Gillard today joined Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Anthony Albanese and Robertson MP Deb O'Neill on the Central Coast to reaffirm Federal Labor's $600 million plan to ease congestion and cut travel times along the F3, which connects Sydney to the Central Coast and Newcastle.

That's real money for real projects that will make a real difference.

Funded in last week's Federal Budget, the new package of works can't come soon enough. Already, this corridor is used by some 75,000 cars and 7,000 trucks a day, with freight volumes alone predicted to nearly double within just the next two decades.

The centrepiece of Federal Labor's plan is $405 million to bring forward the construction of the much needed, long talked about “missing link” between the F3 and M2.

As well as delivering smoother, quicker driving conditions, this new 7.7 kilometre dual two lane road tunnel beneath Pennant Hills Road will also greatly reduce traffic congestion through Sydney's northern suburbs.

The project will be delivered in partnership with the NSW Government, which will provide the same amount of upfront funding. The balance of the required funding will come from the private sector, with the project expected to go to market within months.

In addition to making the F3 to M2 Link a reality, Federal Labor's plan also funds targeted improvements to tackle congestion and improve safety along the existing F3, including:

* widening the section between Tuggerah and Doyalson;
* widening the section between Kariong and Somersby;
* upgrading the Kariong Interchange; and
* upgrading the Weakleys Drive intersection.

The staged delivery of these projects could begin as soon as next year and will be jointly funded by the Federal and NSW governments, with each contributing $195.8 million.

The extensive upgrade of the road corridor between Sydney and Central Coast is part of the much larger Federally-funded capital works program currently being rolled out across the State.

In fact since coming to office in late 2007, this Labor Government has more than doubled Federal spending from $132 to $269 per person. Our total investment in the State's road, rail and public transport infrastructure now stands at an unprecedented$23.4 billion.

While there's always more to be done, this Labor Government has reversed the neglect inherited and is building the modern, well-planned transport infrastructure that makes working people's lives easier, our businesses more competitive and the national economy stronger.

Federal Labor, after all, is the party of nation building infrastructure.