PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Minister for Tertiary Education
Applications Open for AsiaBound Study

Hainan Island, People's Republic of China

Australian tertiary students will get the opportunity to study in Asia as part of the new AsiaBound program, which opens today to higher education and vocational education and training (VET) institutions.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Tertiary Education Minister Craig Emerson said AsiaBound was part of the Gillard Government's implementation of initiatives flowing from the White Paper on Australian in the Asian Century, released in October last year.

This innovative program reflects the Gillard Government's commitment to deeper regional engagement, as set out in the Paper.

Tertiary education providers are invited from Monday to apply for grants under the first round of the $37 million program, to be awarded to Australian students for study in Asia as early as the second semester this year.

Grants available include $5,000 for semester study, $2,000 for short-term study and $1,000 for language training.

Approximately 3,600 students each year will be able to study in Asia as part of their academic program. This includes 600 VET students.

China, the most popular Asian destination for Australians studying abroad in 2012, is likely to account for almost 1,000 of these.

The extraordinary growth of Asian economies translates into a wealth of career opportunities for young people keen to engage with the region.Many Australian universities and training providers already have strong regional connections. AsiaBound would help take this to a new level.AsiaBound is one way students can get a head start while experiencing what life is like in an Asian country.

AsiaBound supports practicums, clinical placements, internships, research trips and volunteer projects, as well as institution-based study for up to two semesters.

From 2014 eligible students will also have access to up to $7,500 through OS-HELP to put towards the costs of their studies in Asia.

The Gillard Government also today announced the opening of the 2014 Round of the Australia Awards Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships program, the Government's competitive, merit-based international scholarship program.

The scholarships and fellowships provide opportunities for citizens of eligible countries, including China, to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia and for Australians to do the same overseas.

Since 2007, 175 citizens of the People's Republic of China have been awarded an Endeavour Scholarship or Fellowship, and 156 Australians have pursued study, research and professional development opportunities in China under the program.

In 2014, around 50 scholars are again expected to travel to or from China under the program, another step toward the 12,000 Asian Century Australia Awards expected over the next five years

Guidelines for both programs can be found at:…