PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Transcript of Interview with Carrie Bickmore, Andrew Rochford, Steve Price & Wil Anderson

The Project

BICKMORE: And the Prime Minister Julia Gillard joins us now. Prime Minister, a big few days, Tony Abbott's called your new-look Cabinet a bunch of L-platers. You've lost I think it's 52 years' of combined Cabinet experience to the backbench. Is it going to be hard having them sitting behind you like backseat drivers?

PM: Well, I'd expect Tony Abbott to be negative. I mean, he is never anything else. What I have done is created a team that will take us to the election and in these days of governing we will govern well.

We had an appalling week last week. There is no point trying to gloss over that, and I'm not going to do so. But now we are in a position to move on with unity and with confidence, and certainly with a sense of purpose.

PRICE: Prime Minister, Simon Crean was sacked for his role in the Kevin Rudd debacle. How come it is that Anthony Albanese, who was one of Kevin Rudd's numbers men and doesn't want you in the job of Prime Minister, gets promoted?

PM: Well Minister Albanese has spoken publicly about the events of last week. For myself I have been able to work very closely with Anthony Albanese. He has done a fantastic job in the Infrastructure and Transport portfolio and I am very confident I will be able to work with him.

PRICE: But you have got someone sitting there who wanted to stab you in the back. That mustn't be comfortable when you're doling with him face-to- face, one-on-one?

PM: Well I think that is a very unfair summary of Minister Albanese's position. I have known Anthony Albanese basically all of my adult life and we will be able to work very strongly together in a united team with Minister Albanese providing complete support to me as Prime Minister.

ROCHFORD: Now, in Question Time last Thursday before all the fun and games happened, you addressed the Parliament and the Opposition and you had a very specific message for them. Let's take a look.

PM GRAB: There will be a ballot for the leadership and deputy leadership of the Labor Party at 4:30 today. In the meantime, take your best shot.

ROCHFORD: Have to say one of my all-time favourite Julia Gillard quotes. But what exactly did you mean by that? And what did you expect to happen?

PM: Thank you. I knew that the Opposition would be trying to make merry with the circumstances of last week. You never go to Question Time expecting them to raise an idea for consideration.

You expect them to go the blitzkrieg negative and I knew that they would be particularly punchy on Thursday. So I thought I would indicate I was ready for them.

BICKMORE: Just looking at that clip then Prime Minister, would you say you are at your strongest, you are at your best when your back is against the wall?

PM: I think I am made of fairly strong stuff. I think I have had to be made of fairly strong stuff! I have got the opportunity to test that personal resilience a bit over the last few years as it happens.

Look, I bring my attributes, my character, my values to this job every day. What has always driven me on is a sense of purpose about creating opportunity in our country.

You wouldn't do this; you wouldn't get out of bed every morning unless there was a fierce passion for our nation and its future driving you on.

ROCHFORD: Now, it is easy to say Kevin Rudd has been somewhat of a thorn in your side. He has extended somewhat of an olive branch to you saying that over the next six months he is more than happy to campaign for the seats in Queensland alongside you. Can we expect to see you two out kissing babies together?

PM: You will see me governing with all of my Labor team. And then when the time comes campaigning with all of my Labor team, including Kevin Rudd.

ANDERSON: Now Prime Minister your misogyny speech made world-wide headlines but you have copped some flak over the last couple of days for hosting a charity event with Kyle Sandilands. But I need to point out, it was a kids' charity and Kyle is great with children.

JACKIE O GRAB: And all your family that could make it today for our Easter egg hunt we thank you for coming along.


KYLE SANDILANDS GRAB: Quiet that child down there!

ANDERSON: Is it really a good look Prime Minister to be hanging out with Kyle over the weekend?

PM: What that was all about was an Easter egg hunt, an hour of sunshine and lots and lots of chocolate for kids who are very, very unwell and are in the care of the great staff at Bear Cottage.

Bear Cottage looks after kids, many of whom are in the last period of their lives. And so if I can find a way to put a smile on those kids' faces, well that is enough for me. I think it was an hour well spent.

PRICE: But if Tony Abbott's a misogynist, what is Kyle Sandilands?

PM: Mr Abbott is running for Prime Minister of the country and that I think brings with it special scrutiny, and so it should.

BICKMORE: Prime Minister, I just want to talk to you about the events of today before we let you go. Another boat has capsized off Christmas Island. We understand a mother and a child have died, and a pregnant woman is critical. This is a 12th boat since last Monday. With calmer seas now, are you worried this surge is going to continue?

PM: I worry every time we hear that a boat is out on the water. Too many people have lost their lives getting on these very dangerous boats, paying people smugglers to do so, and what a dreadful tragedy this is.

So my message is a very clear one. Do not pay a people smuggler. Do not get on a boat. If you take the chance then tragically too many people lose out on the way.

BICKMORE: Prime Minister, we appreciate your time today. Thanks for coming on.

PM: Thanks very much.