PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Gillard, Julia
Changes to the Ministry


Today Gary Gray joins the Cabinet as Minister for Resources and Energy, Minister for Tourism and Minister for Small Business.

He has been a tireless advocate for business in his own community and in Western Australia and will bring that purpose to promoting the interests of the tourism sector and small business.

His current roles as Special Minister of State and Minister for the Public Service and Integrity will be taken by the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

Jason Clare joins Cabinet as a full member while retaining his current responsibilities.

Anthony Albanese is promoted and takes on the critical role of Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, taking over the work done by Minister Crean across regional Australia since the 2010 election.

Anthony has previously held these portfolio responsibilities and they neatly complement his existing role as Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

He will be supported by Catherine King in the Outer Ministry as Minister for Regional Services, Local Communities and Territories, and as Minister for Road Safety.

Tony Burke adds Arts to his existing portfolio work. He has a longstanding interest in the arts and was a keen recruit to the task.

He will be assisted by Michael Danby as his Parliamentary Secretary whose lifelong commitment to the arts started when, as a teenager, he worked in his mother's art gallery.

The critical human capital and productivity portfolio of Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research will be taken by Craig Emerson. Craig will retain his current roles as Minister for Trade and Competiveness and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Asian Century Policy.

Craig will be assisted by two junior Ministers - Don Farrell, as Minister for Science and Research and Sharon Bird as Minister for Higher Education and Skills.

As part of today's changes, the Department of Climate Change will be merged with the Industry Department and will become the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.

As such, Greg Combet is now the Minister for Climate Change, Industry and Innovation and his Parliamentary Secretary, Yvette D'Ath will also have a revised title.

Jan McLucas is appointed Minister for Human Services. Jan is a very experienced Parliamentarian, having served as a Shadow Minister and as a Parliamentary Secretary since 2007. I am delighted that I have been able to promote Jan to this role.

Don Farrell will also be Minister Assisting on Tourism, and Bernie Ripoll will be Parliamentary Secretary for Small Business, both in Minister Gray's portfolio.

Andrew Leigh will be Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister. Andrew will bring to this post his distinguished academic record in public policy and economics.

Matt Thistlethwaite becomes Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs and Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs. Matt strengthens our team with his ability to focus on the large multi-cultural communities in Sydney.

Amanda Rishworth, a great local campaigner, becomes Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, retaining that portfolio in South Australia. She will also be Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers.

Shayne Neumann MP, who before his parliamentary career established and ran a successful law firm, will be Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney-General and Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Ageing

I will recommend to Her Excellency the Governor-General that new members of the Ministry be sworn in on Monday 25 March 2013.