PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Transcript of Speech at the opening of the Geelong Ring Road


Thank you very much and what an exciting day getting to walk for the first time on this new stretch of road.

And I'm very pleased so many people have come out to enjoy the experience, coming as it does with face-painting, fairy floss, heavens above there's a lot to do. So it's good to see everyone here.

I'd like to particularly acknowledge the State Minister, Terry Mulder, and also my federal parliamentary colleagues, Darren Cheeseman, the Member for Corangamite and Richard Marles, the Member for Corio.

This journey creating this bit of road all started in the lead up to the 2007 federal election when the Federal Labor Opposition as it then was committed to building this section of the Ring Road, Section 4B.

And that commitment was quickly matched – we decided to do it in partnership – and the then Bracks-led Labor Government said yes, the Ring Road should be brought into operation.

So the commitment made then. A very important commitment for the community in this part of the world, a very important commitment for the nation given the nation looks to this region for so much.

It's one thing to make the commitment; it's another thing to get to actually walk on it after the years in between.

And that has happened because of a lot of hard work from all of the people who have been involved in the design, all of the people who have been involved in the construction, and I'd like to thank VicRoads, all the employees, all the staff, all the contractors for their care and dedication in getting this job done.

This has actually meant a major economic injection into this region, into this part of the world.

I'm told that 1,320 jobs were created directly and indirectly through this construction: so, important to the economy.

It's also going to be important to the economy and amenity of this place for a very long period of time to come.

What it means is that we will see about 9,400 vehicles, 15 per cent of which are freight vehicles, travel this section of the Princes Highway instead of being on other roads, roads where they would be competition with local traffic. They will be using this section of the Geelong Ring Road, Section 4B.

So, it's good news if you live in Geelong, if this is your part of the world and you want to keep that extra traffic and those vehicles off your road.

It's good news if you live in the broader region because it's going to make your journey from place to place easier.

It's good news for those who love to come to this part of the world because of its physical beauty and tourist attractions. It means that your journey will be a shorter one, an easier one, and you won't need to worry about too many traffic lights along the way.

Indeed as a result of all of this you can now travel from Melbourne to the surf coast without stopping for a single traffic light – a great achievement.

So, it's with a really great sense of pleasure that I join the local community in celebrating this achievement today.

It's part of what we are trying to achieve in Victoria for infrastructure. We have been investing in Victorian infrastructure in record amounts.

We've more than doubled the annual Federal Government investment into roads and rail in the great state of Victoria from an average of $89 a head per Victorian, now to $201 a head.

A recognition that infrastructure had been neglected before our Federal Labor Government.

A recognition that the growth in Victoria means new infrastructure is needed.

A recognition that we want to plan and make a difference for the long term.

So, it's all good news and really tremendous to be here to join everyone for it.

I'd like to thank everybody who has been involved. I'm pleased and proud that we were able to make our contribution to this being achieved, and we were able to partner with the State Government in order to get it done.

So, a genuine partnership, one that is making a difference and will continue to make a difference.

So enjoy your opportunity to saunter back and forth. This will be the only time you get to do that – the sauntering will be over, the vehicles will be on it, the road will be in full operation.

Thank you very much.