PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Remarks at the presentation of the Victoria Cross to Corporal Daniel Keighran VC

Government House, Canberra

It's with a tremendous sense of pride that I am here today to honour Corporal Daniel Keighran.

I join with Her Excellency and with every distinguished guest here in paying tribute to you and to your courage.

Daniel, Kathryn, if I can say something personally to you.

We had the opportunity to meet yesterday but it was only for a brief time.

But I've left that meeting with a very clear impression of the two of you.

And I'm very clear in my impression that pomp and circumstance is not your natural home and that there are aspects of today that you have probably thought about a great deal and maybe even lived a little bit in trepidation of.

I've also left with a very clear impression about your modesty, about the amazing acts of valour that you performed.

And so to you, Corporal Keighran, here today despite your modesty, we acknowledge those acts of valour.

We acknowledge them because it is always important to accurately record the history of our nation and what makes our nation.

And these acts of courage speak to who we are as Australians.

You don't need to be a religious person to understand the force of the words that greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friends.

You showed your preparedness to lay down your life for your mates.

We are so glad that your spectacular acts of bravery still saw you returned home to us safe and to your family and friends safe.

But they were spectacular acts of bravery, where in the moment you did not put your personal safety first but you put that Anzac tradition of mateship first.

That's why we are honouring you today; that's why it will be another moment in our history where we can say that this is the best of who we are and the best of what Australians can do.

Thank you for proving that once again for our nation.

I trust in the days to come that apart from the whirlwind, there are some quiet moments for you to reflect with your family and friends on what this means.

You can tell some remarkable stories.

You told me some yesterday about the difference in sound a bullet makes depending on how close it is to your head and that you were conscious of that in the moment.

A remarkable story.

Kathryn told me that perhaps she didn't really know why you were getting the VC until it was clear that you were getting the Victoria Cross because you hadn't come home to share that.

That was something that you had kept to yourself and to your mates.

All of that speaks of a tremendously Australian character.

That's who you are and we honour you today.