PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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Video Transcript
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Released by:
  • Gillard, Julia
Transcript of Doorstop Interview - Canberra


JOURNALIST: What's the terror threat in Bali and are you worried going over there?

PM: Look, people should always check the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade travel advice warnings but I do want to be in Bali for the 10 year commemorations.

Families will be travelling there. It will be a day in which we pay our respects and remember what that moment was like for Australians.

JOUNRALIST: Do you feel betrayed by the Speaker Peter Slipper and the fact that you spent so much time supporting him yesterday for him only to resign two hours later?

PM: We supported Peter Slipper to become the Speaker by following his successful track record of service as Deputy Speaker. Now a lot has happened since Mr Slipper first became Speaker and these matters were fully dealt with in the Parliament yesterday.

We now have new Speaker and we're getting on with the job.

JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, some people have expressed concern about his state of mind and his health. Do you have those concerns and do you sympathise with him at the moment?

PM: Look, I said what I felt about this in the Parliament today following Mr Slipper's statement. I said anybody witnessing that statement would see the real human pain written across Peter Slipper's face.

He spoke in very emotional terms about the cost for his family and whatever other judgements people come to we've got to remember that there's a real live human being and his family at the centre of this matter.

He has now resigned and so I hope that he has the opportunity, with some privacy, to spend some time with his family after these events.

JOURNALIST: Was your defence of Peter Slipper in vein yesterday given his ultimate decision to resign?

PM: I didn't believe the Parliament should be a kangaroo court.

JOURNALIST: Tony Abbott says you should just ‘get over it': the gender issue, his comments yesterday. What do you say to that?

PM: Well that's a matter for Mr Abbott to explain what he meant by those comments.

JOURNALIST: What do you make of the worldwide reaction to your speech in Parliament yesterday? It got a bit of press overseas.

PM: I made my speech in Parliament yesterday because I formed the view, enough is enough. I've had enough. Australian women have had enough. When I see sexism and misogyny I'm going to call them for what they are.