PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency - creating a clean energy future

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Greg Combet today outlined a suite of new energy efficiency measures, which form part of the Government's plan for a clean energy future.

While the most effective way to reduce pollution is through a carbon price, measures to promote energy efficiency will also play an important role.

The Gillard Government will implement the following new measures to help households, communities and business better understand their energy consumption and how to make savings:

? Energy efficiency information grants - the Government will provide $40 million in grants over the next four years to industry associations and non-government organisations to promote energy efficiency measures among small businesses and community groups.

? Household advice line and website - the Government's LivingGreener website ( will be expanded to provide information on how households can improve energy efficiency to save money.

? Low Carbon Communities program - the Government's Low Carbon Communities program will be expanded from $80 million to $330 million to improve the energy efficiency of council and community buildings and low-income households.

? Clean Technology Investment Program - this program will provide grants to manufacturers totalling $800 million over seven years. The grants will enable firms to invest in energy-efficient capital equipment and low-pollution technologies, processes and products.

A further suite of energy efficiency measures will be developed in response to the report of the Prime Minister's Task Group on Energy Efficiency. These include:

? Undertaking further policy work on a national energy saving initiative, or ‘white certificate' scheme. This scheme would place obligations on energy retailers to help their household and business customers find and implement energy savings.

? Expanding the successful Energy Efficiency Opportunities program, which requires large energy users to find and publicly report on opportunities to save energy in their operations.

? Improving the governance arrangements for energy efficiency so that opportunities to improve energy efficiency become nationally consistent, and it is clear to business and the community who they should speak to about energy efficiency.

? Implementing mandatory CO2 standards for light vehicles.

For more information on the Government's plan for a clean energy future visit