PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Gillard, Julia
New medical training facility to support Tamworth hospital investments

Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced the Gillard Government will provide $20 million over two years to help people in New England get local training for much-needed local medical places.

The Gillard Government will expand the medical training facilities in both Tamworth and Armidale. This includes:

* $15 million for a teaching and training facility at Tamworth on the hospital site;
* $5 million to be provided to the University of New England for a student facility at Armidale.

The Gillard Government is determined to provide opportunities for people in New England to train and work in local hospitals and other health facilities.

These new opportunities will ultimately lead to better health services for everyone in New England community.

Speaking following a tour of Tamworth Hospital with the Member for New England Tony Windsor, the Prime Minister also confirmed the funding for 8 new medical specialist trainees and 16 new GP registrars in 2011 as part of the Government's specialist and general practice training programs.

The Prime Minister said today's announcement would complement the Government's commitment to fund the majority of the $220 million major redevelopment and expansion of Tamworth Hospital.

The Gillard Government's contribution of $120 million for the stage 2 redevelopment will provide:

* 2 new operating suites/procedure rooms;
* 4 new operating theatre recovery units;
* 6 new emergency department treatment bays;
* an additional emergency resuscitation treatment bay;
* additional overnight bed capacity, increasing by 10 beds;
* an additional labour birthing room;
* 5 new special care cots;
* 7 new renal dialysis chairs;
* an increase in chemotherapy chairs from 8 to 14; and
* doubling the number of dental chairs from 4 to 8.

Finding room in this year's Budget for these investments illustrates our commitment to boosting regional health services.

Our investments will provide more beds, more operating rooms, more elective surgery and more specialist doctors for the people of New England so they don't have to travel to Sydney or Newcastle for treatment.

These projects will also stimulate jobs for the community and boost the local economy.