PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Transcript of interview with Karl Stefanovic, Today

HOST: Prime Minister, good evening to you, London time. Good morning, Australian time. How is it to be here? Look where we are.

PM: It's fantastic, and look and this view - it's amazing - and I've been walking through the crowds, and such happy crowds, and lots of Australians out there. HOST: We saw you walking through the crowd. It took you a long time to get through. PM: It did, it did, because people are shouting out ‘Julia' and they're all from Australia, but there was one English woman who was keen to tell me about her holiday in Australia and how fantastic it was, and then asked me for a job, so I'm just not sure what we're going to do with her. HOST: The PM's going global. You've just also come from Clarence House. How did that go, with Prince Charles? PM: Well, it's the first time I've met him, and it was a lovely opportunity. We had a very, sort of, a discussion on the things that he's passionate about. He did want to talk to me about the Queensland floods and the cyclone. He was very generous at the time and very concerned. He wants to know how everybody's going in recovery, and he also wanted to talk to me about sustainability in our cities and our natural environment. He's been a lifetime passion of his, well before it was fashionable and on everybody's lips, so we've had a good discussion. HOST: That's good that he's still interested and conscious and concerned about Queensland and how the recovery's going, isn't it? PM: Oh, very focussed on it. He's clearly been following it in the media here, but wanted a first-hand account of how people are feeling. HOST: did he mention the wedding at all? Does he know about it? PM: When I turned up and met him the first thing I said was you must be looking forward to tomorrow, and he certainly agreed that he was, so yes. HOST: So, what happens tomorrow? What do you know about it? PM: Well, we get up the morning and run around and get ready, so getting ready right's very important. Then leave and go to the Lancaster House, where we'll wait, and then we'll get on buses - they're described as coaches, but they're not the kind with horses - and go to Westminster Abbey and then wait for the service to take place. HOST: It's a little bit of a wait, isn't it? You've got to be in there quite early? PM: You're loaded in there more than an hour in advance, which presumably is because of the numbers of people. HOST: Are you excited about tomorrow? PM: I'm really looking forward to it. I've had the opportunity today to meet with Prime Minister Cameron and those sorts of things- HOST: -Boring. PM: Well, there's a serious side to the trip, but I am really looking forward to being there tomorrow. I'm conscious I'm there representing Australians, who I think are sharing the sense of delight, so I will be there sharing the sense of delight, too. HOST: Are you going to be tweeting the ceremony? PM: I don't think you're allowed to. No tweeting, no rogue video, none of that, no. HOST: Biggest question of the day - what's a gal to wear? PM: Well, Australian fashion, definitely, but apart from that, you'll just have to wait and see. HOST: Oh, come on! PM: I'm taking a leaf out of Kate Middleton's book. HOST: This is me. We're good mates. PM: I know we're good mates, but, you know, you've just got to keep it to yourself until you stride out wearing it, and then you can pass judgement. HOST: Do you feel any pressure, because everyone is analysing what everyone is wearing to the wedding, and they do that with you anyway. We know Gai Waterhouse is going to be watching, as ill-timed as that was. PM: I think all eyes are really on Kate, so I'm not worried for myself. I think she's probably the one with the butterflies in the stomach tonight. HOST: That constant pressure, is it time consuming? Is it a hassle?PM: I don't really let it worry me. I think ultimately I judge myself, and I think people will judge me on what I get done, not what I'm wearing while I do it. HOST: Second biggest question of the day - what's Tim wearing? PM: A suit. You heard it here first, a suit. HOST: Is he excited? PM: He is excited, yes. He's looking forward to it. HOST: What's he said? PM: What do you mean? HOST: Well, you know, has he, what's he most excited about? PM: Right, OK, I thought you were going to do the wedding proposal hints, then. HOST: Well, I kinda was but you saw straight through it. PM: I could see where you were going. He's keen to be here and we're looking forward to spending the day. HOST: He's feeling extra romantic at this point? PM: It's their wedding, and we will be in the audience. Nice try, though, Karl. HOST: We're all looking forward to it. You know that the eyes of the world, I guess, are on her, but we have you as our representative and we'll be all spurring you on and hope you have a great time, and you know, a wedding's not a wedding unless someone embarrasses themselves, so, you know, if Tim wants to have a few too many drinks and carry on a little bit, don't worry about the diplomatic stuff. PM: He'd be in so much trouble, that won't be happening. Tim and I will be very well behaved, but I'm sure there'll be some stories to tell afterwards - but they won't be about us. HOST: Prime Minister, great to see you. PM: Thank you very much. Thank you.