S\ ST ER'S 9
FOR PRESS: CL2JA16 L/ SRA R' PM. No. 5/ 1968
The new Prime Minister, Senator Gorton, is receiving
congratulatory messages from many parts of the world. Following are
texts of some of the messages
U. S. A. " Warmest congratulations to you on assuming the
great and challenging office of Prime Minister. It gives me
strength and comfort to know under your leadership the same
close and mutually satisfactory friendship and relations as
between our friends Menzies and Holt will continue between
our two countries. Australia has a great role and voice in
the free world and I look forward to close communication and
frequent discussions on matters of mutual Interest. Mrs.
Johnson and I send our warmest personal regard-, and best
wishes to you and Mrs Gorton. Lyndon B. Johnson."
Britain " I send you my warmest congratulations on your election.
Despite the sadness of the occasion, I was very glad to have the
opportunity in Melbourne of meeting you and discussing some
of the matters of common concern to our two Governments.
" I hope we can continue to keep in our traditional close
contact. " Best wishes and sincere regards. Harold W1ils on."
New Zealand ", My Cabinet colleagues and I send you our congratulations
and warmest good wishes as you assume the office of Prime
Minister of Australia. The relationship between our two countries
is a very special one not only in our own area but abroad, and
especially at the present time when we stand together in defence
of freedom and democracy in Malaysia and South Viet Nam. We
face common problems in respect of the South-East Asian area
and the preservation of Commonwealth defence arrangements.
Nearer home, we have a common stake In the well-being and
development of the peoples of the South-West Pacific. The Free
Trade Area Agreement has given the Trans -Tasman relationship
a new dimension and we have every reason for ensuring that it
proves beneficial to our two countries. We have both come to
accept the necessity for the closest possible consultation and
co-operation between us, particularly at the political level, but
in many other contexts as well. I am sure that we shall find
many occasions for acting together. I personally look forward
to working as closely with you as I did with Robert Menzies and
Harold Holt. Keith Holyoake." / 2
India " My colleagues in the Government of India and I
have great pleasure in sending you our warm felicitations
and good wishes on your assumption of the high office of
the Prime Minister of Australia. I am sure that under
your leadership Australia will continue to prosper and that
the close and friendly relations between our two countries
and people will grow stronger. Indira Gandhi."
Ambassador Averell Harriman of the U. S.
" Heartiest congratulations on your election as Liberal
Party Leader and Prime Minister. I send you my very best
wishes in the vast responsibilities which you are now assuming.
We all look forward keenly to working with you on matters of
common concern. Under your wise and vigorous leadership, I
am sure that our relations will continue to grow in mutual
confidence in the Interests of our two countries.
" With my warm personal regards,
Averell Harriman".
Japan " I beg to congratulate you on taking office as, Leader
of the Liberal Party. I heartily wish you both success and
pros per ity. Eisaku Sato"
Malaysia " Please accept the congratulations of my colleagues and I
on your election as the Prime Minister of Australia. I look
forward to working and co-operating with you in all matters of
mutual interest for the benefit of our two countries and wish
you every success in all your endeavours.
Tunku Abdul Rahman"
Singapore " Congratulations on your election to leadership. May
the links between us. grow strong with you as Prime Minister
of Australia. May our common interests be furthered by closer
co-operation. Lee Kuan Yew"
Philippines " The Filipino people join me in congratulating you on
your election as Prime Minister of Australia. ' He wish you
every success In your Administration for the continued peace,
progress and prosperity of your great people.
Ferdinand E. Marcos." / 3
Israel " I know that I am expressing the feelings of all my
colleagues in the Cabinet and of every citizen of Israel when
I send you this message of very warm and sincere congratulations
on your assumption of office as Prime Minister of the Commonwealth
of Australia. We all wish you success and we look
forward during your term to a continuance and strengthening of
the happy relations of friendship and mutual understanding between
our two countries. Pinhas Sapir Acting Prime Minister"
China " While visiting Bangkok as official guest of Thai
Government I learned with great pleasure from today's newspaper
of your election to premiership. Please accept my hearty
congratulations and best wishes for your success.
C. K. Yen Vice President and Premier"
Italy " Learning the news of your appointment as Prime
Minister of Australia, I wish to convey to you also on behalf
of the Italian Government my warmest congratulations together
with my very best wishes of success in your new task hoping
that the traditional ties of friendship and co-operation between
our two countries will be further strengthened.
Aldo Morro,. Prime Minister."
CANBERRA, 11 January, 1968