Statement by the Acting Prime Minister. Mr. McEwen
The Acting Prime Minister, Mr. McEwen, today sent the
following message to the Tasmanian Premier, the Hon. E. E. Reece:
" On behalf Commonwealth Government I wish to express our
sincere regret at serious damage occasioned by floods in
Tasmania and deep sympathy for all who have suffered so greviously.
Mr. Townley has impressed the Government with the seriousness
of the disaster and raised the question of Commonwealth
assistance and I also have your telegram of today's date.
Consistent with the approach in other major disasters the
Commonwealth will contribute pound for pound with State finance
for relief personal hardship and distress on usual conditions.
Also in line with assistance xiven in other major disasters
Commonwealth is willing to make a contribution on a pound for
pound basis towards restorations necessary as a result of damage
to public roads, bridges, etc., and our officials would wish to
consult as soon as convenient with your officials on needs under
these headings uith view to an eaiy advance by Commonwealth."
The Minister for Defence, Mr. Townley, said in
Canberra tonight that he was encouraged by the sympathetic
attention-xiven by the Commonwealth to Tasmania's problems. He
was also pleased at the prompt reaction. He said: " The
Tasmanian Premier, Mr. Reece, has been informed by the Acting
Prime Minister, Mr. McEwen, of the details of the Commonwealth
assistance". Briefly the Commonwealth will share equally all
amounts expended by the State Government for immediate relief of
personal distress and hards-hip. Seca-) Jly the Commonwealth on the
same basis will share the cost of restoring bridges, roads etc.
This is in line with practices adopted by the Commonwealth
in all major disasters and will undoubtedly ease the
burden on the State especially as planning can now proceed
~ uithout delay.
CAN'BERRA, 26thi April 1960.