PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

McEwen, John

Period of Service: 19/12/1967 - 10/01/1968
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00001743.pdf 1 Page(s)
Released by:
  • McEwen, John
Joint Communique following meeting between the Prime Minister Mr J McEwen, and the President of the United States of America, Mr L Johnson, Canberra

The President and the Prime Minister took the opportunity this morning, both in the Prime Minister's office and in a wider meeting in the Cabinet room, to exchange views on a range of current matters. As was made clear in advance, the meeting tock the form of conversations about these matters rather than a formal conference.

Those present in the Cabinet room were the United States Ambassador ( Mr. Clark), Mr. William Bundy, Mr. Walt Rostow and Mr. Marvin Watson, and on the Australian side the Treasurer ( Mr. McMahon), the Minister for External Affairs  (Mr. Hasluck), the Minister for Defence ( Mr. Fairhall) and the Leader if the Government in the Senate ( Senator Gorton).

The principal topic touched on by the President and the Prime Minister and his Polleagues was Vietnam. The President presented for the information of the Australian Ministers an account of the present military situation and political and economic development programme in Vietnam. The Prime Minister assured the President, as he had yesterd ay assured the Australian people, that there will be no change in Australia's commitment to stay steadfast with the Republic of Vietnam and the United States aa with other Allies in Vietnamuntil a just peace is won. 

21st December, 1967.