PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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Released by:
  • Gillard, Julia
Gillard Government Legislative Agenda

Next week, the Government will introduce over 40 Bills into Parliament, when the 43rd Parliament of Australia sits for the first time since the election on 21 August.

With the formal opening of the new Parliament by the Governor-General on Tuesday, the Gillard Government will begin actively working with other members of the new Parliament to pass legislation through the House and the Senate.

On Wednesday, the first day of normal business in the Parliament, the Government will be introducing a series of Bills to renew our legislative agenda.

Little of this legislation will make headlines or nightly TV bulletins - but step by step it will make a difference to the lives of families across Australia.

In the next week alone, the Government will bring forward legislation continuing our reform program across a wide range of areas, including:

* Strengthening Australia's aviation security regime, including by establishing appropriately severe penalties for threatening air security.
* Establishing a permanent national body to set national safety and quality standards for Australia's hospitals and health services.
* Improving access to services and representation for university students.
* Establishing for the first time a National Preventative Health Agency to drive reform in preventative health.
* Strengthening ozone protection mechanisms.
* Strengthening water efficiency labelling for products.
* Setting up the Australian Civilian Corps Bill, providing professional civilian specialists who can assist in disaster zones.
* Introducing merit selection processes for the ABC and the SBS Boards and a staff-elected Director for the ABC Board.
* Enhancing the parliamentary scrutiny of laws for consistency with our international human rights obligations, with the introduction of a new Parliamentary Committee.
* Strengthening the ability of the Australian Crime Commission to fight organised crime.
* Giving real recognition to carers, acknowledging their enormous contribution.
* Improving the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia.
* Strengthening ASIC's investigative powers.

In this Parliamentary session Labor will also be pressing ahead to have legislation prepared to deliver the reform agenda we set out in the election campaign.

With this new Parliament, I know there will be many discussions ahead about aspects of our legislative program.

Delivering on the Government's legislation will require methodical work, a willingness to compromise where necessary, and a determination to deliver.

We call on the Opposition to work with us in the national interest to provide real benefits to Australian families as we begin working through a significant legislative agenda.

Attached is a list of legislation the Gillard Government plans to introduce into the Parliament next week.



AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRYFisheries Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2)Facilitate the Australian Fisheries Management Authority making co-management arrangements with stakeholders in Commonwealth fisheries.Primary Industries (Excise) Levies Amendment BillIncrease the cap on the research and development component of the laying chickens levy from 10 to 30 cents per laying chicken.


ATTORNEY-GENERAL'SAviation Crimes and Policing Legislation Amendment BillStrengthen the existing legislative framework surrounding Australia's international and domestic aviation security regime.Civil Dispute Resolution BillEncourage the resolution of civil disputes outside of the courts and seek to improve access to justice by focusing parties and their lawyers on the early resolution of disputes.

Crimes Legislation Amendment BillImprove the ability of the Australian Crime Commission to deal with serious misconduct by staff and make a range of amendments to strengthen law enforcement agencies' powers to gather, examine and use evidence to investigate and prevent the commission of criminal offences.

Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) BillHuman Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) (Consequential Provisions) BillEnhance the focus on human rights in the Parliament scrutiny and inquiry processes, including through the establishment of a new Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights.

Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Identity Crimes and Other Measures) BillIntroduce new identity crime offences, enhance the administration of justice offences and address administrative issues for the Australian Federal Police and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.

National Security Legislation Amendment BillParliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement BillImplement the Government's response to reviews of Australian national security and counter-terrorism legislation.Native Title Amendment Bill (No. 1)Provide for a new 'future acts' process to allow for the construction of housing and associated infrastructure on Indigenous held land which is, or may be, subject to native title.

Service and Execution of Process (Interstate Fine Enforcement) Amendment BillIntroduce a new scheme, allowing the States and Territories to register certain court imposed fines in the State or Territory where the defendant is present. These fines can then be enforced by that State or Territory according to its laws.

Sex and Age Discrimination Amendment BillEstablish a stand-alone Age Discrimination Commissioner in the Australian Human Rights Commission and amend the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 to include additional protections.

Telecommunications Interception and Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment BillEnable greater cooperation and assistance within the law enforcement and intelligence communities and enhance information and intelligence sharing among Australia's national security community.


BROADBAND, COMMUNICATIONS AND THE DIGITAL ECONOMYNational Broadcasting Legislation Amendment BillIntroduce a merit-based selection process for the appointment of non-executive directors to the ABC and SBS Boards and reinstate the position of staff-elected Director on the ABC Board.

Radiocommunications Amendment BillImprove the efficiency of the radiofrequency spectrum management regulatory framework by providing the Australian Communications and Media Authority with greater flexibility in when it can commence processes for re-issuing spectrum licences.


DEFENCEDefence Legislation Amendment (Security of Defence Premises) BillEnhance the security of Defence bases, facilities, assets and personnel within Australia in a response to the changing nature of security threats.


EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND WORKPLACE RELATIONSFamily Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Budget Measures) BillReduce the annual Child Care Rebate cap to $7500 and pause indexation for four years from 1 July 2010.Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) BillAmend the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to improve access to amenities, services, representation and advocacy for Australian university students.


FAMILIES, HOUSING, COMMUNITY SERVICES AND INDIGENOUS AFFAIRSCarer Recognition BillEstablish a legislative framework to increase recognition and awareness of informal carers and acknowledge the valuable contribution they make to society.


FINANCE AND DEREGULATIONFinancial Framework Legislation Amendment BillSimplify the financial management framework and streamline internal Australian Government administration; repeal unused special appropriations and Special Accounts; and update, clarify and align other financial management, governance and reporting provisions.


FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADEAustralian Civilian Corps BillEstablish the Australian Civilian Corps, and create a legal framework for the employment and management of Australian Civilian Corps employees.

Autonomous Sanctions BillStrengthen Australia's autonomous sanctions regime by allowing greater flexibility in the range of measures Australia can implement, thus ensuring Australia's autonomous sanctions match the scope and extent of measures implemented by like-minded countries.


HEALTH AND AGEINGAustralian National Preventive Health Agency BillEstablish the Australian National Preventive Health Agency to provide evidence-based policy advice to governments on preventive health, and to implement associated programs as tasked by Health Ministers.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Amendment BillRemove duplication of work undertaken by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority and Food Standards Australia New Zealand in developing maximum residue limits of agricultural and veterinary chemicals allowed to be present in food.

National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) BillGive effect to a package of reforms designed to consolidate and build on earlier PBS reforms, which commenced in August 2007, including by reforming the PBS pricing arrangements for multiple brand medicines that are subject to competition in the market place.

National Health and Hospitals Network BillEstablish the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care and provide a framework for its establishment, including an expanded role in setting national clinical standards and strengthened clinical governance.

Therapeutic Goods Amendment (2010 Measures No. 1) BillMake a range of amendments to the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 to improve the regulation of therapeutic goods in Australia.


INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORTAirports Amendment BillAmend the Airports Act 1996 to require additional criteria to be included in airport master plans; require any proposed significant development to undertake certain processes; and prohibit certain developments which are incompatible with the operation of an airport site.

Protection of the Sea Legislation Amendment BillProvide for progressive reductions of sulphur content of fuel oil used in ships and provide legal protection for persons taking reasonable measures to prevent or minimise the effects of bunker oil pollution.


INNOVATION, INDUSTRY, SCIENCE AND RESEARCHNational Measurement Amendment BillNarrow the circumstances in which some offence provisions may apply; provide for a new offence about letting for hire or loan unverified measuring instruments; replace monetary penalties with penalty units; provide for the Chief Metrologist to determine various technical standards and procedures.

Tradex Scheme Amendment BillProvide that partnerships are eligible to apply for a tradex order; and remove transitional arrangements relating to the Texco Scheme.


REGIONAL AUSTRALIA, REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTTerritories Law Reform BillImplement reforms to Norfolk Island's administration and governance to improve accountability and transparency in administrative action and financial matters; and implement reforms to Christmas Island's and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands' administration and governance to improve efficiency and clarity.


RESOURCES, ENERGY AND TOURISMOffshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) BillOffshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Safety Levies) Amendment BillAmend the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 in relation to: including in the functions of the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority regulation of non-occupational health and safety structural integrity for facilities, wells and well-related equipment; multiple titleholders of petroleum titles; strict liability offences; and occupational health and safety duties of titleholders.

Enable safety levies relating to pipelines in designated coastal waters to be collected in certain states and the Northern Territory.


SUSTAINABILITY, ENVIRONMENT, WATER, POPULATION AND COMMUNITIESOzone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Amendment BillAmend the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 in relation to: establishing a civil penalties regime; powers of inspectors; evidential material procedures; and funding from the Ozone Account.

Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Amendment BillProvide that a Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS) standard may require a product to comply with certain requirements relating to plumbing before the product can be registered as a WELS product.


TREASURYCorporations Amendment (No. 1) BillImprove the access to share registers regime and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's investigative powers.Corporations Amendment (Sons of Gwalia) BillReverse the effect of the High Court decision in Sons of Gwalia Ltd v Margaretic relating to the rights of persons bringing claims for damages in relation to shareholdings.

International Tax Agreements Amendment Bill (No. 2)Give the force of law to the Second Protocol amending the Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Singapore for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income as amended by the Protocol of 15 October 1989.

Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) BillIncome Tax Rates Amendment (Research and Development) BillReplace the existing research and development (R&D) tax concession with a 45 per cent refundable R&D tax offset for eligible entities with a turnover of less than $20 million, and a non-refundable 40 per cent R&D tax offset for all other entities.

Superannuation Legislation Amendment BillAmend superannuation legislation, including to: facilitate state and territory authorities and public sector superannuation schemes paying unclaimed superannuation moneys to the Commissioner of Taxation and enable the Commissioner to accept and subsequently pay out such amounts; provide transitional relief for income tax deductibility of total and permanent disability insurance premiums paid by superannuation funds; allow the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund to acquire an asset in specie from a related party of the fund following a relationship breakdown, and also ensure equitable application of the transitional arrangements in relation to in-house assets where an asset transfer occurs as a result of a relationship breakdown.

Tax Laws Amendment (2010 Measures No. 4)Amend taxation legislation, including to: amend the GST third party payment adjustment provisions to remove an opportunity to use third party payments to artificially reduce GST liabilities in certain situations; align the requirements of the scrip for scrip roll-over with the requirements of the Corporations Act regulating takeovers and schemes of arrangement; amend the gift provisions to extend deductible gift recipient support to volunteer fire brigades; add certain organisations as specifically listed deductible gift recipients (including the Mary MacKillop Canonisation Gift Fund); and increase the threshold above which a taxpayer may claim the net medical expenses tax offset (the claim threshold) to $2000 and commence annually indexing the claim threshold to the consumer price index, with effect from 1 July 2010.

Tax Laws Amendment (Confidentiality of Taxpayer Information) BillEstablish a framework to protect the confidentiality of taxpayer information by placing a general prohibition on the disclosure of taxpayer information except in certain specified circumstances.


VETERANS' AFFAIRSVeterans' Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) BillGive effect to a number of minor measures and technical amendments.