PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Gillard, Julia

Period of Service: 24/06/2010 - 27/06/2013
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  • Gillard, Julia
Prime Minister announces new Ministry

Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced the new Ministry of the Gillard Government.

The Ministry will work together to deliver a stronger, sustainable economy and better services for all Australians.

The Prime Minister said the Ministry includes experienced members of her Labor team remaining in Cabinet positions to continue their outstanding work in the most senior portfolios.

They will also work closely with the Independents and the Greens to deliver stable and effective government for all Australians for the next three years no matter where they live.

The Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan will remain as Treasurer to continue to build our economy and bring the budget back into surplus by 2013.

This will provide Australia with economic stability at a time when many other developed countries continue to feel the brunt of the global financial crisis.

The Ministry will continue to have a sharp focus on job creation and improving skills and education.

As promised, the new Ministry will provide a new focus on regional Australia with a dedicated Department within my portfolio and a dedicated Cabinet Minister, who will be supported by Ministers and parliamentary secretaries across the nation.

The Ministry also delivers on the promise to develop a sustainable population policy approach and a sustainable Australia.

The Ministry will continue to deliver welfare reforms, better health services and continue the rollout of the National Broadband Network right around the country.

The new Ministry will be dedicated to the development of a national response to climate change driven by a deep and lasting consensus of the Australian people.

The Prime Minister said the appointment of several new Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries would bring fresh ideas into the fold, creating a dynamic mix of enthusiasm, expertise and experience.

She said the addition of new faces in the ministry reflects the depth of talent in the Parliamentary Labor Party and demonstrates that the Gillard Government can deliver stable and effective government for the next three years.

The new Gillard Ministry will have a focus on openness and transparency and on finding common ground both within the Parliament and in the community to improve our nation's future.

This will further the consultative approach the Prime Minister has promised to deliver in this historic minority government in the 43rd Parliament of Australia.

Cabinet Ministers

Julia Gillard Prime Minister Wayne Swan Deputy Prime Minister Treasurer Kevin Rudd Minister for Foreign Affairs Chris Evans Minister for Jobs, Skills and Workplace Relations Simon Crean Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government Minister for the Arts Stephen Smith Minister for Defence Nicola Roxon Minister for Health and Ageing Jenny Macklin Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Anthony Albanese Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Stephen Conroy Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Digital Productivity Kim Carr Minister for Innovation, Industry and Science Penny Wong Minister for Finance and Deregulation Peter Garrett Minister for Schools, Early Childhood and Youth Robert McClelland Attorney-General Joseph Ludwig Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Tony Burke Minister for Sustainable Population, Communities, Environment and Water Martin Ferguson Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism Chris Bowen Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Craig Emerson Minister for Trade Greg Combet Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency


Tanya Plibersek Minister for Human Services Minister for Social Inclusion Brendan O'Connor Minister for Home Affairs and Justice Minister for Privacy and FOI Kate Ellis Minister for Employment Participation and Childcare Mark Arbib Minister for Indigenous Employment and Economic Development Minister for Sport Minister for Social Housing and Homelessness Nick Sherry Minister for Small Business Minister Assisting the Minister for Tourism Warren Snowdon Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Defence Science and Personnel Bill Shorten Assistant Treasurer Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation Mark Butler Minister for Mental Health and Ageing Gary Gray Special Minister of State Jason Clare Minister for Defence Materiel

Parliamentary Secretaries

David Bradbury Treasury Jacinta Collins Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Julie Collins Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Mark Dreyfus Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Cabinet Secretary Justine Elliot Foreign Affairs and Trade Don Farrell Sustainable Population, Communities, Environment and Water David Feeney Defence Mike Kelly Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Catherine King Health and Ageing Infrastructure and Transport Kate Lundy Immigration and Citizenship Prime Minister and Cabinet Richard Marles Foreign Affairs and Trade Jan McLucas Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs