PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
The Prime Minister speaks at the opening of the Lowy Cancer Research Centre at the University of New South Wales

PM: We lose 40,000 members of our Australian family every year through cancer. That's a lot of people. 100,000 Australians each year receive a diagnosis of one form of cancer or another. That is a very large number of people. And I doubt as I look out to this audience today that there is anyone among you who not among their family and friends has been directly affected by this terrible, terrible disease.

Having just been taken through this marvellous centre behind where we gather today, and listened to the briefings from the medical researchers on the work they are doing, in their laboratories, with their test tubes and their pipettes and every conceivable 21st century device to replace each and every one of the above. It is a wonder and a marvel to behold. However, none of this is made possible unless we make the facilities possible for that to occur. That is why together with the Government of New South Wales and together with the University, we in the Australian Government are proud investors in this great institute.

The cost of the equipment that I have just been shown through is formidable but you know the need which it meets is even more formidable so it is a good thing that we are doing this together.

Now we have been galvanised as a Government about this great challenge to put a line through cancer. Put a line through cancer. This affects too many of us in this country and that must be our ambition. The Government is now investing some 2.3 billion dollars in a whole range of cancer related research and treatment areas right across the country.

It is with great pride and great confidence therefore that I declare the Lowy Cancer Research Centre officially open.

(The video related to this transcript is available from the Multimedia section of this website.)