PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Transcript of remarks Jessica Watson's return home Sydney Opera House 15 May 2010

PM: Kristina Keneally, Jessie's parents Julie and Roger, her brother Tom, her sisters Hannah and Emily, grandparents Gordon and Margaret, and most importantly, Australia's newest hero, Jessica Watson.

Jess, welcome back to dry land. Welcome back home to Australia. You know something- you may feel a little wobbly on your feet just now. But in the eyes of all Australians, you now stand tall, as our newest Australian hero. You know, at 16 years old, you are a hero for all young Australians. You are also a hero for all young Australian women. You do our nation proud.

We've spoken a lot in recent months over the satellite phone- some times more clearly than others. These conversations have been terrific. When we spoke on Australia Day, I asked you what was your message for all Australians; what did you want me to tell the nation on your behalf? And what you said was three simple words, live your dream. Jessica, today you have done just that. You have lived your dream.

Later that day, I think you were about five thousand miles west of Cape Town, in the middle of nowhere. Think of your geography books. There's not much out there, just the blue stuff, and the grey stuff, and the white stuff. No land. Out there, in the middle of nowhere, she then blogs to the rest of the world that we had this conversation. But to prove that she was Australian, she said what was the most important thing to happen to her on Australia Day- not talking to me as the Prime Minister- but that she finally fixed the dunny on the boat. That proves she's a young Australian. I understand there've been problems still, ever since.

You know something, this is a great day for our country. You do all of our hearts proud. When we spoke again on the phone, I asked you this question- what is it that you wanted to do most when you got back on dry land in Australia? And here speaks a young adventurer, who has sailed singlehandedly around the world. What did she want to do most when she got back to Australia? She said this- I need to learn to drive. I need to learn to drive.

Well, on behalf of the Australian Government, your Keys2Drive kit. This provides you with one free lesson courtesy of the Australian taxpayer for you and your mum and your dad. And your mum and dad in particular. Channel Ten, I understand, are providing an extra ten driving lessons. Well, thank you Channel Ten. But the motto of this Keys2Drive campaign is "find your way". You know something, you have no problems on that score. You will pass your driving test with flying colours, as you passed the navigation test of the world.

Jess, all Australians are proud of you today. Your family is proud of you. We're proud of you. All of Sydney is proud of you. All of our home state of Queensland is proud of you. All Australians are proud of you. In three years- in three days time, you celebrate your 17th Birthday. Happy Birthday Jess.

Ladies and gentlemen, all of you have come out today, and if you're watching from at home now, three cheers for our newest Australian hero- our Jess Watson.