PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Holt, Harold

Period of Service: 26/01/1966 - 19/12/1967
Release Date:
Release Type:
Statement in Parliament
Transcript ID:
00001710.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Holt, Harold Edward

2ND NOVE1] ER, 1967 3ot96
Honourable Members will recall that in a Statement to this
House on 7th September this year I announced certain dccisions
the Commonwealth Government had taken on Aboriginals following
the referendum in May and later discussions with the States. I
referred to the changes to the Constitution brought about by the
referendum and to the Government's view that the prime function
of the Commonwealth in Aboriginal affairs in the future should be
to have a policy co-ordinating role in matters of common interest
to the Cornmonwszalth, its Territories and the Australian States.
I also announced that the machinery to perform this function
would be provided by an Office of Aboriginal Affairs to be
established within the Prime Minister's Department. This
arrangement was designed to bring it under my own Central
Administration. By this means, we would have an effective channel of
communication not only between the States and the Commonwealth
on Aboriginal matters through the Premiers and mysellf, but
between the Commonwealth Government, the Aboriginals themselves
and organisations represunting them.
I now wish to announce a further stage in the Government's
proposals in this matter. The Government wishes to have
continually available to it the best advice on Aboriginal
affairs it can get on a national level, and it has therefore
decided that the new office should serve a Council for
Aboriginal Affairs, which will have two particular functions:-
It will advise the Government in the formulation
of national policies for the Aboriginal citizens
of Australia.
It w . ill consult with Commonwealth Dcpartments and
authorities whose activities have a bearing on
Aboriginal welfare.
It will also act as the Commonwealth agency for ensuring
co-operation between Commonwealth and State authorities at the
official level. It will, like the office, be within my
jurisdiction as Prime Minister and associated with the Prime
Minister's Department in Canberra.
The new Council will consist of a Chairman and two
members. The Chairman will not be a full-time appointmnent but,
at least during the early years of the Council's work, he will
devote a large proportion of his time to its affairs. One of
the other members will be the executive member who will be the
director of the office serving the Council. The third member
will be chosen for his direct knojvledge and understandin? 7 of the
Aboriginal people.
The Council will draw upon the knowledge and experience
of anthropologists and other academic specialists as well as
State and Commonw~ alth officials working in the field. It will
also call into counsel members of Aboriginal communities and
others concerned with their welfare and advancement.

The Council will concontrate at the outset on fully
establishing the new office of Aboriginal Affairs and, in
consultation with other Departments and with the States, but
also will move as soon as possible to the formulation of
proposals for~ bnaonwealth policies in relation to aboriginals.
I repeat here, however, what I said in September that
while the Commonwealth Parliament is now in a position to make
special laws, the Commornealth does not seek to intrude
unnecessarily in this field or into areas of activity currently
being dealt with by the States. We believe that detailed
administration to be most effective should be on a State or
regional basis
I would ada that since I made my first announcement in
September of the Government's intentions as a consequence of the
Referendum result, we have had many constructive suggestions and
much useful advice from representative people. This has bceen of
considerable value to the Government and has helped us materially
in this further development of our policy.
I am confident both the Council for Aboriginal Affairs
and the new office will provide a powerful reinforcement for the
continuing efforts that the Commonwealth Government, the
Australian States and the Northern Territory are making for the
advancement of Australian aboririnals.
I now come to the question of the person to be appointed
as the first Chairman of the new Council for Aboriginal Affairs.
This is an im~ portant appointment to which, naturally, the Government
has given a great deal of thought so that a person of strong quality
and competence and also with a feeling for the task would be chosen.
I am now able to re-port that following a series of discussions
with Dr. ' 1HC.. Coombs about his future, Dr. Coombs will be taking
up the position of Chairman.
Dr. Coombs some time ago indicated to the Treasurar and to
me that, after 18 years as Governor of the Reserve Bank, he felt
the stage was apiproaching at which he ought to step down. He also
indicated that thereafter, if the Government wished, he would be
prepared tD assume other appropriate responsibilities. While the
Government would be well-content for Dr, Coombs to continue as
Governor of the Bank, it felt that it should respect his judgment
in this matter.
In the light of this, discussion took place with Dr. Coombs
concerning the application of his abilities and experience to the
field of Aboriginal affairs, and I am happy to report that we found
him responsive and enthusiastic in this direction hence the
appointment which I have just announced.
I may add that it has also been decided that Dr. Coombs
should be appointed Chairman of the Council for the Arts, about
which I made an announcement yesterday. This is a field of
activity in which he has already done very valuable work.
Dr. Coombs has accepted certain commitments as Governor of
the Bank during the first part of 1968 and he will not formally
retire from that post until these have been fulfilled. He will,
nevertheless, be starting immediately on his new tasks and
effective arrangements will be made to relieve him of certain of
his responsibilities in the Bank for this purpose. Perhaps I
should state that Dr. Coombs has stipulated that while he
remains Governor, there should be no additional remuneration in
respect of his Aboriginal Affairs and Council for the Arts posts.

p -3-
At this point, I desire, personally and on behalf of the
Government, to pay to Dr. Coomnbs the highest tribute for his
distinguished service to Australia as Governor of the Bank and
also in other major fields of national endeavour.
I now come to arrangements in relation to the Reserve
Bank in view of the impending retirement of Dr. Coombs. I am
authorised by my colleague, the Treasurer, to say that
Mr. J. G. Phillips, the present Deputy Governor, will be. appointed
to sucecad Dr. Coombs. Knowing th,, e admirable work that Mr. Phillips
has done over many years as an economist and central banker,
the Government has great confidence in his ability to carry out
the responsibilities of Governor of the Reserve Bank and Chairman
of the Reserve Bank Board.