PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
New $200 million research building for City West

The concept designs for the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute's home on North Terrace (SAHMRI) have been released by the Prime Minister, Premier Mike Rann and Health Minister John Hill.

The building will sit alongside the new $1.7 billion home for the Royal Adelaide Hospital, and will be the first completed building within the new City West health precinct.

Viewing the start of site preparation works for the new $200 million SAHMRI, Premier Rann said "This will be a modern and proud icon of South Australian science, promoting international research and providing 21st century facilities for the next generation of health and medical researchers.

"The Research Institute will attract highly skilled scientists from across Australia and around the world, offering them the chance to participate in major research using the latest technologies and with the brand new Royal Adelaide Hospital close by."

The $200 million funding is being provided from the Rudd Labor Government's Health and Hospital Fund.

This huge investment is a significant boost for medical research in South Australia.

Minister Hill said the building will comfortably house up to 675 researchers and will be the headquarters for the newly established South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

"This stunning piece of architecture will be built to world-class standard - encouraging research collaboration through its innovative and 'green' design.

"Up to 675 researchers will work here in state of the art laboratories, right next door to the patients, doctors and technicians in Australia's most modern hospital."

Chair of South Australia's Health and Medical Research Institute Board Raymond Spencer said the Board is very excited about the concept design.

"The flexible and adaptive design of the building will provide the perfect environment for our researchers to be able to deliver excellence in research in a vibrant building."

The design team, led by architecture firm Woods Bagot, consulted with the research community, health sector and universities, seeking their ideas and input into the building design.

Features of the concept design include:

- 25,000 square metres (gross floor area).

- Fully flexible laboratory space.

- PC2 laboratory standard.

- Nine research modules, consisting of 1/3 dry and 2/3 wet laboratory space.

The launch of the concept plan also triggers a four week public engagement process, during which interested parties can comment on the concept design.

The release of the concept design today coincides with the start of the site preparation works.

"Work here to prepare the site is starting on schedule and the building will be completed by end of 2012." Minister Hill said.

"We'll continue to consult with the research community and we also want to hear the views of the wider South Australian community."

To view the concept design and to provide your comments, visit the web site or call 1800 643 854.