PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
The Government's commitment to insulation workers

The Australian Government today announced further assistance for workers affected by the cancellation of the Home Insulation Program.

The Government's commitment is that each displaced worker will receive either:

- support to retain their current job until the new Renewable Energy Bonus program begins or

- assistance to find alternative jobs or

- a relevant training place where appropriate employment opportunities are not available.

The $41.2 million Insulation Worker Adjustment package includes:

- A $10 million Insulation Workers Adjustment Fund to help workers and firms through the transition period. It will be allocated on the recommendation of a team of existing local employment coordinators and new dedicated Insulation Employment Coordinators. The Fund will support firms to retain their workforces in work or training activities or to support workers directly.

- $1.5 million for up to 25 dedicated Insulation Employment Coordinators, funded from the Jobs Fund. These new positions will assist displaced insulation workers to find alternative jobs with other employers and other industries. This assistance will complement and draw on existing support provided through local employment coordinators and the resources of the Job Services Australia network. The insulation employment coordinators will have access to the $10m Insulation Workers Adjustment Fund to assist workers transitioning to alternative jobs or training.

- $5 million for 1,000 Structural Adjustment Places to help retrain insulation workers in alternative industries announced today.

- $24.7 million for 6,000 training places already announced to assist insulation workers - 2,000 each from the Apprenticeship Access places; the Language Literacy and Numeracy Program; and the Structural Adjustment Places.

In relation to the 7,000 training places, insulation workers can access these opportunities by contacting their local Job Services Australia provider.

Job Services Australia providers will help retrenched workers identify local training opportunities through TAFE or other Registered Training Organisations based on a comprehensive individual skills assessment. The training under this package will be at no cost to the insulation worker.

Any worker who loses their job will also have immediate access to assistance under the Government's Compact for Retrenched Workers. This means, when a retrenched insulation worker registers with a Job Services Australia provider, they will get immediate access to high level support - through Stream 2 or above.

The package will be funded through an allocation of $11.5 million from the existing Jobs Fund and $29.7 million from the Productivity Places program and other existing training programs.

Retrenched workers should contact 132 850 for more information.