PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Minister for Finance Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support Member for Fremantle Cantonment Hill returned to the people of Fremantle

The Prime Minister today announced the sale of areas of land at the Fremantle Artillery Barracks in Western Australia commonly known as Cantonment Hill, to the City of Fremantle.

The Australian Government has approved the concessional sale of three areas of land which form part of the 3.87 hectare site to the City of Fremantle on the basis that it will redevelop the land for ongoing community use.

The City of Fremantle intends to incorporate the land into the existing Cantonment Hill Reserve to restore the land for public use, create a safe public park and regenerate the native bushland.

"This is a fantastic result for Fremantle and the wider Western Australian community," said Ms Parke, Federal Member for Fremantle. "It will return to our community the views and public open space of a vantage point that was always intended to be Fremantle's equivalent of Kings Park."

"I am pleased to be part of a Labor government that has resolved this long-running issue, which went nowhere for a decade under the previous government."

The concessional sale comprises of three areas of the Fremantle Artillery Barracks, known as:

* Tuckfield Street Reserve;

* The Signal Station and surrounds;

* The former Royal Australian Navy Warehouse.

The site was formerly used by the Department of Defence, but was declared surplus to Defence requirements in 1999 under the previous government. Since that time the land has remained part of the Australian Government's property portfolio.

This sale is another example of the Rudd Government's new Commonwealth Property Disposals Policy in action, which was introduced last year to facilitate the release of surplus Commonwealth land to increase housing supply and improve community amenities.

The Cantonment Hill site has strong, historical, environmental, social and cultural significance not only for the local community but for all Australians.

The Rudd Government is pleased that the concessional sale to the City of Fremantle will ensure the preservation of this historic site for future generations.

The contractual terms of the sale are anticipated to be finalised between the Department of Defence and the City of Fremantle within the next 8 weeks.