Thei Prime inister ( Mr. Ivenzies) wzil leavje Sydney
oy C I r o n S unday 7 th A pril i 160, for London to attfd the
Mee tlngx of Comon.,-ealth Pr** n'mo Miniaters which be~ ins on, 3rd
1cy. H e : i i b e a c c cm ) a n ied byv Mis s L. : H Cr,, a Ig ( Priva te
3ecr-etary)., an-d Mr 2JuTn ting ( Porm-, anont Ie a c of ePire
In London t!-e Prill-, Minister -Jill joined by theic
1i-ijnicor Lfo--Territories ( Mr. Tasluc.). Senior offi 2j, 9s moo
17_ i 1 0 join) the Prime inistoir in Lo. ndon arc. Sir Arthur
Tango ( Scretary, Department of xteornal fer) nr
HFok Sert c Depart nt of Defence.}
S ir E r ic T i s' Ai) strc;; ian High Ccm~ rx si53L 1; O r lte
Unitoe3 iinadeo, and O'; Lr -All1en 3rmrn, Dcmuty High-Cor. 1riipsioner,
* raills rieicr ofI e the aener d clc i ti-. on it th11ec P rimeo
Y j-n is t: 3r s M, -co-tiJ. n g.
Sir2 JOin-11 CrcoD(. oesy r~ o-tient of ' 2radc),
-nd Pnd2a] 1 Dpty Secre, t ary5 Depart--iont of -t-hc
Tireasury) % ill also in Lonclonfoi' trade an~ d ñ' in~ nce i-otings
befoteh Prin in-~; te sc arr ival anC uill be available t~ o
hunir fol-theCom:~ Dnve3.. xn 1r -Lenj-Lns t,) rs I ie cin E;
The 11rii-Iic linister wrill re-tur-. n to 4ut: lLvia the
UniteUd btat-e-s LindCan,--da. I n Jashington, ho i. will attenid Mmn
is terf or Extorna-1 ;',-ffirs a mee,, t-n of the Co-Lnci-l o'f the
% South-EaA; A!. ia irayOrg-anizK : tion b~ nning on 31st Ply
The rm iinistterY is e, c. u ted -to rejtu.-n to Austlral: l.
a bDut " C1-middle of June.
CaniibD r , a
7 c6 0.