PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Video Transcript
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Rebuilding Together

Prime Minister: We, the Australian Government, have been proud partners with the Victorian Government in this difficult task of rebuilding. So far, as the Australian Government, we've invested some $400 million in one form of reconstruction or recovery effort after another. But we're here today, of course, to go to the next stage, which is together to launch this document, Rebuilding Together: a state-wide plan for bushfire reconstruction and recovery.

As part of this plan- this one here- which Christine appropriately thrust in my direction- this one here - is launching this plan, which reflects, of course, a state-wide plan for bushfire reconstruction recovery. And what you see reflected in it is a contribution between the two Governments, the Australian Government and the Victorian Government, of $117 million toward the cost of further reconstruction and recovery. This is important work. And it goes to many, many practical areas which will assist the reconstruction process. We have of course some $90 million to support people in communities as they rebuild. Some $60 million to actively support and drive the reconstruction task. Some $20 million to help stimulate local economic activity. Some $17 million to help rehabilitate the local environment. What we said at the time, John and myself, is brick by brick, house by house, school by school, community by community, we would be there from the beginning to the end, to make sure that these communities are rebuilt. And today represents another step, an important step in that recovery process.

(The video related to this transcript is available from the Multimedia section of this website.)