PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Transcript of Interview Channel 7 Melbourne

HOST: Kevin Rudd is in his Melbourne office tonight. Prime Minister, thanks for joining us. Is there any update from your consular staff?

PM: I've just spoken to our High Commissioner in Samoa, who has informed me that in terms of overall casualties in Samoa itself, of all people, some 60 plus deaths, some 140 injured. This is a tragic day for the people of Samoa. But also tragic for the Australian families affected as well. You've just yourself confirmed the death of a 50 year old Australian woman. And our hearts and our thoughts go out to her family.

I've also been informed that we have also had confirmed the death of a 6 year old girl, an Australian. And this is, this is an absolute tragedy. And our prayers go out to her family as well. The High Commissioner is seeking to provide comfort and support to her family as we speak.

HOST: Yes, it's a tragedy that's growing in scale almost by the minute. What ongoing help is Australia going to provide?

PM: Well we're dealing of course with the challenge of supporting the Australians, as well as the wider Samoan community. We still have grave fears for the whereabouts of three Australians. Grave fears.

We have 7 Australians currently in hospital. Our diplomatic staff in Apia, the capital, are now supporting about 20 Australians who have lost mostly everything. In terms of overall relief effort to Samoa itself, this evening we'll be dispatching charter aircraft with much-needed medical supplies, search and rescue teams, as well as disaster recovery equipment.

And we still have RAAF aircraft standing by to take further equipment as is necessary. I spoke earlier today with the Acting Prime Minister of Samoa, and we stand ready to provide every level of necessary assistance.

HOST: Alright Prime Minister, thanks very much for your time.

PM: Thank you.