PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
The PM and Sam Mitchell talk about the 'Just Think' campaign

PM: G'day. I'm here with Mitch from Hawthorn. The Hawks did pretty well last season mate.

MITCHELL: Yeah, last year. Seems like a long time ago, unfortunately.

PM: Well politics is like that. Sometimes up, sometimes down. But more importantly, Mitch is here supporting a campaign with the AFL Players Association called Just Think. What's it about? It's about the challenge we all face with alcohol-fuelled violence. We're not saying to people ‘don't drink', we're just asking people to just think. And that means drinking responsibly. So mate, thanks for getting behind it.

MITCHELL: No worries, it's good to be here, we think it's pretty important. We're getting onto it early, it's probably not got to a stage where it's gone too far, but you know, we need to try and stamp it out as early as we can, and make our streets nice and safe to walk around.

PM: That's right, so no one here believes that we shouldn't be able to have a good time and have a party, that's great- but there is a line, which we shouldn't go beyond, and that's what all this is about. So just think, get behind the campaign. And thanks to the AFL players for backing this as well.