PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
The Prime Minister's visit to Lismore and Port Macquarie

PM: The last couple of days I've been in Lismore, and in Port Macquarie, up in the northern reaches of New South Wales. These are great centres, with growing communities, and of course, with lots of needs. In Lismore, I spoke at length with the local hospital, Lismore Base Hospital, about their needs for the future.

At Port Macquarie, also, a long session with their doctors, their nurses, their specialists, about where they want to be over the next ten to twenty five years as well. Big growth areas, big population growth, lots of demands, got to sort out some solutions for the long term future. It's also great to be back in Port Macquarie, the first time here as Prime Minister, but I've been here many, many times over the years in one capacity or another. Starting way back when we were through here on a caravan holiday as kids, back in the late 1960's.

Thing have changed a bit since then. It's also the first time that we'll be having a Community Cabinet meeting in Port Macquarie. Looking forward to that, and we're going to have a big rollup from the locals, and lots of time to speak with community organisations about their needs for the future as well.

We are here tonight for one core reason, and that is to listen to what you've got to say to us, and to answer as best the questions you put to us, but also to take on notice things that we can't answer here and there, and to get back to you within a reasonable timeframe.