PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Westport High School students discuss Community Cabinet

MATT: Hi, I'm Matt.

AMY: I'm Amy.

SOPHIE: I'm Sophie

RYAN: And I'm Ryan.

MATT: And this is Westport High School.

AMY: Located in Port Macquarie, on the coast.

SOPHIE: About five hours away from Sydney.

MATT: And about six hours away from Brisbane.

MATT: Port Macquarie is a wonderful town. We have a lot of beaches and great weather.

AMY: Retirement destination.

SOPHIE: Yeah, there's lots of fun things to do.

MATT: A lot of social venues, like the town green and Westport Park and the stadium out near the airport.

MATT: Our school's very sporting and academic.

AMY: Yeah, very academic. Order of Australia and high results.

SOPHIE: Westport's one of the two high school public schools in Port Macquarie itself, and everyone's pretty proud of the school and we try our best to impress.

MATT: Westport High is home to WASCALS, the group that raises money for people suffering with cancer in the local area.

AMY: About 600 people from the local area will come in and talk with Ministers.

SOPHIE: It's good to see that they're considering the local schools and just not the big private ones.

MATT: It's great o see how many people actually turn out for such an event like this at our great school at Westport. Personally, I'm actually glad that it's here in Westport. There was a number of schools, you could say, processed, to have the Cabinet at their school, and we're just so lucky to have it here as Westport.

SOPHIE: I think it's good because it shows that the Government is attempting to care about, like, local schools and stuff, and, like, they care, but it shows that they care about public schools as well. It's not, it's compared to going to a private school, it's, like, it shows that they believe in our community and their, like, upcoming students.