PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Living Greener

GARRETT: Here we are in the Prime Minister's office, and as you can imagine it's a pretty intense working environment, and I think we'll go and see where the Prime Minister is and perhaps go and visit one or two of these rooms.

PM: Here are some of my advisers in their office. So, I'll take the baton, you tell me what they're doing right and wrong.

GARRETT: The big question in here, Prime Minister, is whether or not people are recycling their paper. I think that they are, because I can see recycled paper down there.

But more importantly, television screens, computer screens - these are things that chew energy. Do we turn them off when we leave at night?

PM: Tarah, do you turn yours off?

TARAH: Ah, no. (laughs)

PM: What about Adam?

ADAM: I don't think I have for some time. We should, shouldn't we?

PM: Give me hope over there.

DAMIAN: I've logged off.

(All laugh)

GARRETT: Alright, well, that's a start.

PM: Are we going to fail, three out of three? This is not looking good, guys.


GARRETT: And you know, look at the television. Sometimes the flat screen televisions can use a lot of power. This one won't use a hell of a lot, but just before you leave at night, maybe just want to click it off.

That saves power for everybody - when we turn our appliances off at the end of the day, even in an office like this, we save energy.

PM: OK, well, these guys are going to get assessed, daily, from here on in, starting with you, Tarah Barzanji.

Now, recycling, what have you got down there, guys?

TARAH: Ah, we've got a rubbish bin and a recycling bin.

ADAM: Couple of recycling bins. They're in there.


DAMIAN: But also there, that's the main one.

GARRETT: Final check for us would be lighting. Do we have energy efficient lighting in there? Because even when it's a bit more expensive, it is much cheaper in the long run and of course produces less greenhouse gas emissions.

I look up and what do I see? Flouros, which is good, and, yeah, energy efficient lighting up there, which is also good.

PM: OK, so, when you guys go out of here, who turns the light off?

ADAM: We always turn the light off.

TARAH: Always TV off.

PM: So they got two out of three. They turn the TV off, they turn the light off, but they leave computer screens on - bad, bad, bad - and they're doing pretty good on recycling.

GARRETT: I think so.

PM: OK, alright. OK guys - two out of three. Not bad, but there will be improvement.

So, what have we got in here?

GARRETT: Kitchens are, this is a clean kitchen, which is fantastic, but you know the key here-

PM: - Do you know why? Because they knew you were coming.

GARRETT: That's right, and I think they knew you were coming, too, Kevin.

The thing that you're sort of asking is ‘do people use this kind of hot water system all time?' They don't need to if they're just making a cup of tea or coffee. They can just boil the jug.

PM: So boiling the jug is more energy efficient than using the zap?

GARRETT: Absolutely, that's right.

PM: OK, I've learnt something.

GARRETT: And look at the freezer. If we take food in the freezer, if we want to take something out, just take your stuff that's defrosted out of the freezer, you can stick it in the sink for 20 minutes, half an hour, an hour, and that saves you hitting that ‘ding' button on the microwave.

We've got the recycling list, which we have here, which is all our co-mingle waste, which happens in the parliament, which as a really good thing to do.

PM: Uh-huh.

GARRETT: And the stuff that you just can't recycle goes in there, and that should be a smaller pile than that one in there.

And you know, all the good information about what you can do in your home will be on the living greener website.

PM: OK. And make sure you use the website, because it's full of all practical sorts of information.

And I'm getting ready for the Ashes Test.

GARRETT: Good luck.

PM: Thank you.