PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister establishes independent Council on Homelessness

During National Homeless Persons Week, the Australian Government today announced the appointment of Mr Tony Nicholson, Executive Director, Brotherhood of St Laurence to chair the Prime Minister's Council on Homelessness.

The Council will provide independent strategic advice critical to the early years of implementing the Government's White Paper on Homelessness, The Road Home, and monitor its progress as we work towards the goal of halving homelessness by 2020.

Mr Nicolson will provide continuity from his role as chair of the White Paper Steering Group, and we are grateful to again have his leadership and experience guiding these important social reforms.

The Council members bring diverse experience and a broad depth of expertise across housing and homelessness issues throughout Australia.

* Mr Ian Carter, Chief Executive Officer, Anglicare, WA

* Mr Alan Kirkland, Chief Executive Officer, Legal Aid Commission, NSW

* Ms Pat Brahim, Chief Executive Officer, Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation, NT

* Ms Netty Horton, General Manager of Community Services, St Vincent de Paul Aged Care and Community Services, VIC

* Prof. Margaret Hamilton, Member of the Australian National Council on Drugs and former Chair of Multiple and Complex Needs Panel, VIC

* Ms Christine Edwards, Chief Executive Officer, The Myer Foundation and the Sidney Myer Fund, VIC

* Mr David Cant, Chief Executive Officer, Brisbane Housing Company, QLD

National Homeless Persons' Week, from 2-9 August, is a time to think of the 105,000 Australians who don't have a home on any given night.

The Australian Government has a clear plan to reduce homelessness and has committed over $7 billion since coming into office to address this appalling reality.

The Council will take a leadership role through independently monitoring the White Paper goals and targets, and providing advice to Government on progress, risks and emerging issues.

The first meeting of the Council will be held in August 2009 with members identifying critical issues and factors which will impact the White Paper goals.