PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
First ACT stimulus home built

JOANNA: Hi, I'm Joanna. This is Madeleine, this is Brendan, and we have Eva.

Eva's severely disabled, physically and mentally. She's got congenital heart disease, lot's of problems. We're in the hospital a lot, so we're moving into this house. It's a stimulus house. It's going to change our life greatly by just having the basic needs met everyday like being able to bath her, being able to bring Eva into the lounge room, into the dining room, involve her in everyday activities, not having to carry her upstairs, we can take her outside, we can do anything.

She can be, like, a part of everyday activities. Everything that the kids do, she can join in now.

BUILDER: It's built for adaptability, so it can grow with the tenant that moves in there. It's set up for wheelchair accessibility. We've got special bathroom, special kitchen, which has got adaptable bench tops. The bathroom has toilets at the right height for a wheelchair. The shower screens are removable. Zero thresholds throughout the house, so a wheelchair can get in and out with great ease.

You'll notice there's ramps all around the house so it's all very easy for mobility, and yeah, it sort of grows with the needs of the client as they're progressively using the house, I guess.

JOANNA: Our life is really hard. We've got stairs we go up, I can't bath her in the bath, I have to hop in with her to bath her, so here I can actually walk into the walk-in shower and not step up.

Everything is going to change. Everything. It's life changing. Best thing that could ever happen to us.