PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Community Cabinet Elizabeth

Person 1: I think it's important in two ways: one for the community itself to actually see that there is really a government; I don't mean that in a ridiculous way, but see that there is a working government, a government for the people, see democracy at work and it's important from the other aspect as well. It means that you bring the politicians to the people as well and I think that's invaluable, especially in an area like our own.

Person 2: Well, it doesn't happen enough in other countries, but yeah I think it's pretty important for people to come along and have a chance to chat have a chance to have a chat with their Minister if they've got something pretty pressing that they want to have a chat about.

Person 3: I'm actually to see the Secretary of Disabilities, Bill Shorten. I'm a grandpa DSP being nearly 60 years of age and we we don't get it real easy, but hopefully I can help us get a seniors card before we're 60 and things like this.

Person 4: I've lived at in Elizabeth for about 33 years. I actually went to high school here, myself, and my daughter's now going here. The community has grown a lot and seen a lot of changes...

Person 5: They're putting new housing in there, knocking down old housing trust places right. I mean, people have got to live somewhere, but you still, you know, you want the area to be not just one little part, the whole area to be nice. If they got on top of that this area, this area will be booming, be booming, population will go [whistles] through the roof.

Person 4: ... there's not a lot of land left. There's, where we've just moved out to, it's more or less getting closer and closer to Gawler so I'm hoping that it will stay a nice area, because it is a nice place to live in and it's what you make of it.