PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin

PM: Good evening.

I've convened the National Security Committee of Cabinet for a second time today, this evening at 6pm, for a further update on the appalling bombings that occurred in Jakarta earlier today. I'll now advise you of some additional facts as I've been apprised. However, I would emphasise to all of you that there are many facts concerning the attacks in Jakarta today which remain unclear.

On the basis of the reports to me from officials of the National Security Committee, I have grave concerns for three Australians following the terrorist bombings in Jakarta earlier today. One of these Australians is an Australian Embassy official. These figures may be the subject of further change.

According to the Indonesian coordinating minister for security, there are now in total nine recorded dead from this attack. The minister also reports a further 42 to be injured, 13 of whom are said to be foreigners. Again these figures may be subject to some revision.

The Australian Federal Police in Jakarta are liaising with their Indonesian counterparts and are now providing assistance to Indonesian counterparts, and discussing additional forms of assistance that the AFP forensic and other elements of the force could provide.

At 4:30pm today, the National Crisis Committee was convened to ensure that States and Territories in Australia were fully briefed by federal authorities on developments in Jakarta. This is a normal procedure.

At 5:30pm today, the Government convened the Australian Health Protection Committee, which comprises senior health officials from both the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, and they have been asked to reserve capabilities within their respective hospital systems in case of need arising from the Jakarta bombings.

There is no further advice available concerning any claim of responsibility for the attack, nor is there a further indication from Australian agencies about who might be responsible.

Beyond the matters that I have addressed in these remarks tonight, and in my statement earlier today, I would not propose to speculate further, as given this case is so sensitive and so serious, I do not believe it would responsible to do so in the absence of further direct advice and information from officials.

I have also received a communication from the President of Indonesia today, welcoming Australia's message of sympathy and support as a result of these horrific bombings, as well as a message from the President expressing his appreciation for our offers of Australian Government support.

Could I conclude my remarks this evening by saying this is a very, very difficult time for many Australian families tonight, and for many Indonesian families tonight, and our hearts and our thoughts and our prayers go out to each of them at this most trying of times.

I am happy to take a couple of questions.

JOURNALIST: (inaudible)

PM: I would rather not go to the detail of that. As I indicated in my earlier remarks today, a principal location of damage in the hotel, at the Marriott was the restaurant that I referred to. But beyond that I would rather not speculate as I have not been provided with further information on that score.

JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, there are reports of one Australian dead (inaudible) is that part of the three that you hold grave concerns for?

PM: When I say, and have said before, explicitly on the advice of our officials, who have been in contact with our embassy staff on the ground in Jakarta and our consular staff, and they in turn have been in contact with Indonesian national police and the other Indonesian national authorities - that I base my remarks carefully on what information has been provided to me.

I do not use those words lightly when I say that I have grave concerns for three Australians and I await further information from them, and confirmation from them before making any further information public. I believe that is the responsible course of action in these difficult circumstances.

JOURNALIST: Are you able to shed any more light on their identities, if not their names, perhaps (inaudible)

PM: Again, because this is such a difficult time for so many Australian families, I don't believe that would be responsible until all proper processes have been gone through between Australian and Indonesian officials.

I spoke again with Australia's Ambassador to Indonesia this evening just prior to attending this press conference and that is the course of action which I have agreed with him as well. I thank you very much.