PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Green Precincts

The Hon Peter Garrett, AM, MP:One of the prime aspects of green precincts is to provide iconic locations where green technologies are in place in a publicly visible environment and provide that educative and inspirational direction towards the way in which we need to live in the future.

Cate Blanchett, Artistic Director Sydney Theatre Company:Us, as a cultural institution, we think we're perfectly placed given the iconic nature of being on a finger wharf and the fact that Barangaroo is being developed and the hope that we would develop a cultural ribbon spanning all the way from the Opera House through us and the company, the wharf that we're on, not only houses us, but that it also houses many other institutions such as Bangarra, Sydney Dance, ATYP, so that we feel that the movements that we're making to green out practices could have an impact on developing a whole green precinct down here.

Senator the Hon Penny Wong: well look, this is a really good project and it's great for two reasons: first, you the sustainability that it involves, which is, reducing green house gas emissions and as well as that reducing the take on the mains water supply, by reusing and recycling water. But the second reason it's important is that it will inspire people. This is about showing people the way that we can change. It's about providing leadership and encouragement to the community. Because we know that climate change will require such a wide response across the Australian society in the years to come, we need everybody: political leaders, community leaders, governments and individuals; working to reduce our carbon pollution so that we can reduce the risk for our children and we can stop accelerating climate change.

Andrew Upton, Artistic Director Sydney Theatre Company: It is entirely appropriate that this iconic arts hub, because it is the home to many arts companies, is back at the cutting edge of Sydney, now incorporating what will no doubt in the future become more common - cutting-edge, sustainable, water and energy savings technology. As an arts company we are committed to the belief that we should explore the new and pave the way, our greening initiative represents an important manifestation of this belief.